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161. There should be a flame thrower weapon - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf wrote: The plasma flame thrower is to the shotgun: -what the forge gun is to the sniper rifle -what the HMG is to the assault rifle. Could behave like the Reegar Carbine from Mass Effect 3.
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.14 06:49:00
162. [Feedback] Instant death - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Current spawning is whacked - I think that's one thing we all agree one. Inertia-canceler drops from the War Barge is one of those "why aren't they doing this!?!?" systems that would at least lessen the camping problem. Another issue comes from th...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.14 06:15:00
163. orbital strikes revisited - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
In gigantic, MAG-scale matches (on the horizon, and almost certain for 0.0 sov battles), this issue would be moot - as you would gain a freighterload of WP anyway, the only thing affecting who's doing the striking is how the battle's working out i...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.14 05:56:00
164. We need a reason to skill Dropsuits! - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
hmm... something to give Dropsuits something better to work for? The first thing that comes to mind are MTACs (confirmed - future). Even if they are vehicles, they are sufficiently humanoid to have their performance improved by using a dropsuit's ...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.14 05:40:00
165. Corp Skinweave - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I would love to fly the corporation flag by having colorable dropsuits - by the Jove, the Quafe guys do it all the time! I'm sure there's something in dev-kits that allows an "open-ended" tag to color that allows player alteration. Of course, this...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.13 21:44:00
166. Illegal weaponry/ security ratings for guns - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Illegal? Unless we dig up the 20,000 year-old plans for the "Davy Crockett" nuclear rifle, I don't think CONCORD is going to object to a Forge Gun when there's railgun-fitted HAVs driving around. Security status is likely going to affect how tight...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.13 20:05:00
167. [Feedback/Request] Overlook on Laser Rifle Skill Redundancy - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Huh... good point. This is actually two problems: If the LR never overheats after l3 in the operation skill, then there is no reason to have a heat guage at all! Then the cooldown issue. KAEGOSHI's suggestion makes sense - EVE's lasers never hav...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.13 12:21:00
168. Sticky:Ideas/Themes for DUST 514 Maps - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Why are "zombies" always about surviving? Why hasn't anybody thought "I'm sick of this, let's force THEM to survive for a change!" ever? True Conquest After taking it in the hisec for over a year, CONCORD has had enough - it's time to fight bac...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.13 11:36:00
169. [ Suggestion] Remember that game Brink? - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I've got another idea - Why not just let the Heavy sprint right through the wall!?!? He would need a "breacher" module in his Heavy slot first - but unless the building was equipped with nano-repair systems, you would leave a nice hole in the si...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.13 10:23:00
170. [Suggestion] Factional Warfare In Dust514 - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Only capsuleers should be forced to sign up with a militia. DUST 514 infantry are all classed as mercs, so they can fight FW as long as they get paid for it. Now, I haven't logged into either New Eden game yet, so IDK if FW actually has better rew...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.10 22:19:00
171. [Request] -Long Term- Air Superiority - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Player-operated VTOL fighters (atmospheric, NOT carrier) are confirmed to arrive some time in the future. It is obvious that some form of flak or guided AA will be added as well. And these will likely come after CCP bumps up the match playercount ...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.10 22:08:00
172. [Request] Left handed firing - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Last I checked, most shooters didn't have that function. Interestingly enough, paintball games (which are also FPS) have a Switch-Hands function to aid with corner shooting. Unfortunately, those games also lack the multiplayer support to gauge the...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.08 21:06:00
173. Eliminate "Roadkill" deaths - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
*barely-joke answer* maybe the Heavy suit should get to punch the LAV to death, if he can see it in time. "Gold means STOP!" *end barely-joke answer* Yes, since we are in dropsuits, vehicles should take some damage for running us over, based on su...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.07 22:29:00
174. [Request] S+ásÑ+ -_./!@#$%^&*()=+[]\{}|<>?;':", - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
*joke answer* I give it 3 months until somebody names their toon "#Hashtag" *end joke* Although I haven't used such symbols in any of my character names, I see your point. It can help a player's creativity whenever new colors are added to the pal...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.07 10:18:00
175. Better SP system - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
2-Ton Twenty-One wrote: Post responding to mine I will say right off that, yes, I was a little harsh with my words. And I apologize for that. I also think that something can be worked out with this idea - but focus on the carrot instead o...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.07 10:05:00
176. Better SP system - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I'm going to be frank - NO to your idea. Normally I try to adjust a person's idea to fit in, no matter how crazy. But the core mechanic of your idea simply will not work. Why? Even if it is an MMO - actually, especially so - I don't want my progre...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.06 23:49:00
177. Shield Overcharge when spawning in. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I'm surprised there isn't an option to perform an inertia-canceler drop from the War Barge, which would land you somewhere around the chosen spawn beacon. It's not like it's an un-heard of tactic. Just watch the trailer that pops up when you start...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.01 23:38:00
178. [1] Weapon IDEA [XGUN-94] Just for fun, B.c I'm bored. made this up.( serio... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
The burst/recoiling function - I love it. Simply by changing your fire mode, that design of gun can adapt to almost any engagement type, aside from shotgun-knife range. As for the racial type, I can only see this happening with ballistic weapons, ...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2013.01.01 10:12:00
179. Forgehammers - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
suggestion is so OP, the odds are incredibly close to 100% that this is a trollpost or warning of some kind. That doesn't mean a "heavy" melee weapon with an AV setting is a bad thing, but only if it's balanced. >Damage: a fraction of a Breach...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2012.12.31 10:13:00
180. The MAV - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Read your updated OP Your Command variant would likely begin to enter the OP territory - this is simply because the Command greatly increases squad attack, and the reinforced mode greatly buffs defense. Because it reinforces the frontline solider...
- by Zat Earthshatter - at 2012.12.25 10:58:00
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