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1381. If Scouts aren't buffed in 1.4, we're doomed - in General Discussions [original thread]
Iron Wolf Saber wrote: CCP Wolfman posted some sensor changes it may be the thing scouts need. So what's the word from CPM, Iron Wolf Saber? So far 1.4 looks like a big win for Heavies. Any chance we'll be better able to sneak up on 'em?
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.15 17:01:00
1382. So, the active scanner... - in General Discussions [original thread]
CCP Wolfman wrote: This seems like a good opportunity to tell you about some of the scanning related things weGÇÖre currently testing internally. Hi Wolfman, So 1.4 ain't lookin' too pretty for Scouts. Kinda feel like the fat girl at prom...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.15 16:03:00
1383. Which CPM member best represents scouts? - in The Council's Chamber [original thread]
Nova Knife wrote: As far as I know... We scouts aren't getting any direct buffs in 1.4. Hiya Nova, 1.4 ain't lookin' too great for Scout balance, good sir. We've gathered that "dev love" isn't coming our way 'til 1.5 or 1.6, so gameplay ch...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.15 15:49:00
1384. I only see good things coming out of this buff. - in General Discussions [original thread]
King Kobrah wrote: Scouts might actually be viable now. Lawlz. No chance. *Shakes fist. Struggles with boot on neck.*
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.15 04:05:00
1385. bounty - in General Discussions [original thread]
lol! what'd he do?
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.15 01:28:00
1386. The "invisible man" glitch is still around & exploitable. - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
I'm running 480p and low in-game display settings. For improved performance and whatnot. I've never crossed an invisible hostile. Kindly tell me exactly what buttons I need to press to become invisible. This may be the Scout buff we've been waiti...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.14 20:37:00
1387. heads up for some armour and movement updates - in General Discussions [original thread]
Arkena Wyrnspire wrote: Whilst I do appreciate that you scouts are getting screwed over, could you not spam a completely unrelated thread with complaints? This is a thread for discussing the armour changes. Please stay on topic. I agree, t...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.14 19:32:00
1388. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Lucifalic wrote: So not to go into too much detail here but I have almost 2.2 million unassigned atm. I have lvl 5 passive armor, biotics, core and shields. Lvl 3 scanner, lvl to electronics and whatever the other one is (gives 5% pg and pcu). ...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.14 18:13:00
1389. How Goes Tac Net Scanning Work? - in The Council's Chamber [original thread]
+1. In the cards for 1.4?
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.14 18:07:00
1390. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Revelations 514 wrote: I did notice that the advantage from higher tier shotty's is minimal compared to the additional CPU/PG costs. Better to go higher tier with your secondary currently, and conserve CPU/PG by keeping militia shotty. Agree...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.14 17:54:00
1391. heads up for some armour and movement updates - in General Discussions [original thread]
Chilled Pill wrote: Our latest numbers continue to see decline in their effectiveness in battle as can be seen here: Will there be an end to the Scout Suit's seemingly uncontro...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.14 14:04:00
1392. Scouts in PC - in General Discussions [original thread]
Proto Gal Scout, reporting. o7 I run AV or Uplink duty in PC. My 300HP proto suit is far too squishy for combat. Pushing 16M SP and I'm dead on detection against any non-scout proto opponent. Shenanigans. Should've gone Minnie. No good at NonCom.
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.14 01:22:00
1393. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Niuvo wrote: So I'm in a gal crisis, I don't know what to tank, what can I do with my suit since scanning is fudged. Any good combos for adv and bsc fittings. Maybe focus on hacking at the moment? Any good success stories I should take into co...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.13 23:56:00
1394. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
BARDAS wrote: Lucifalic wrote: So after running around in my dragonfly for...ever I'm thinking it's about time I spec into an advanced suit. Which way should I go?? Mini?? I don't use knives currently but like speed. Or the other scout as I ...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.13 16:43:00
1395. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Sinboto Simmons wrote: Y U kill wang annie!!!!! It was Jane.
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.13 16:41:00
1396. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Lucifalic wrote: So after running around in my dragonfly for...ever I'm thinking it's about time I spec into an advanced suit. Which way should I go?? Mini?? I don't use knives currently but like speed. Or the other scout as I like scan bonus a...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.13 14:49:00
1397. [BUG] Rapid Melee hits - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Mobius Kaethis wrote: Arirana, of Ancient Exiles, was running around today with what looked like the RE out melee killing folks in seconds. He was getting approximately 3 hits (melee only mind you) per second, which from what I can tell is not ...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.12 23:29:00
1398. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Driftward wrote: I just posted a general scout guide in the Rookie Training Grounds forum that other scouts might want to check on and make your own suggestions as to things you do that make you successful scouts. Driftward's General Scout G...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.12 21:53:00
1399. Driftward's General Scout Guide - in Rookie Training Grounds [original thread]
Bojo The Mighty wrote: voidfaction wrote: add the 1 complex precision for a 31 precision making you a passive scanner for yourself and squad That's going to change soon. When they update Tac Net system, they are removing shared scanning....
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.12 21:52:00
1400. Driftward's General Scout Guide - in Rookie Training Grounds [original thread]
Good stuff, Drift. Lots of good pointers. The best advice I ever got was "get complex shield extenders". Whether you're a minnie or gal scout, cqc or ranged fighter, these will work to your advantage. Get 'em early. As a dedicated scout shotgun...
- by Shotty GoBang - at 2013.08.12 21:42:00
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