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821. [Request] Anti-MCC cannon variety: null cannon, laser cannon, railgun cannon, io... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Still want
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 22:55:00
822. [Suggestion] Speedometer - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Do it!
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 22:54:00
823. [Request] Let us drop into our corporations owned districts - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Would be cool
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 22:53:00
824. Punishment for FW traitors needs to be harsher - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Its not betrayal if they were never really on your side, its sabotage. Other than that, no; this sort of stuff needs to be possible.
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 20:03:00
825. Request: Speaker indicator - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Do it!
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 18:14:00
826. [Request] Tiercide & specifics on how to implement it - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Do it!
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 18:13:00
827. [Feedback] Basic simple things matchmaking fails at - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Still fails
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 18:12:00
828. [Feedback/Request] Basic frames & specializations: differentation & cost - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Make them useful!
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 18:11:00
829. [Request] UI inprovements: visible player statuses (online, in squad, etc) + not... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
UI should be improved! Also, a little popup should show up when you get a new message or squad invite (like how the popup on the side that appears when a fitting is deplted)
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 18:06:00
830. [Request] Jump link installations - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I want to teleport damnit!
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 18:03:00
831. [Request] Infantry heat sink module - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Ecshon Autorez wrote: Why should it be a high slot as opposed to low slot? Low slot means it doesn't take much energy for it to actually function
I think this was the first thread asking for a heat sink module. To keep people from us...
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 17:57:00
832. [Request] Profile broadcaster: sends false scan readings (red dots & chevrons) - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I want!
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 17:54:00
833. Teleportation Gernade - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
CCP won't let me teleport, they must hate me
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 17:50:00
834. [Feedback] Plasma & scrambler weapons should have different color shots/flash - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
No one else wants?
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 02:04:00
835. [Request] Rebuild the laser rifle post-1.7 - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Lonewolf Heavy wrote: they said that one less then a week ago so yea The WP for vehicle damage one was said back in December. Perhaps its something that can't be hotfixed.
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.21 01:02:00
836. (Fling yourself across the sky!!) Equipment idea "Inertial Capacitor" - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I want
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.20 23:11:00
837. [Request] Rebuild the laser rifle post-1.7 - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Lonewolf Heavy wrote: Can't remember which dev, but one of them said Laser rifle is getting a hotfix this week He also said they'd hotfix to add WP for damaging vehicles; still waiting on that.
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.20 22:48:00
838. [Request] Rebuild the laser rifle post-1.7 - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Fix it!
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.20 21:44:00
839. [Feedback] Plasma & scrambler weapons should have different color shots/flash - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Do it!
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.20 21:03:00
840. Amarr scout racial bonus parity problem - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
This needs to be taken care of. Maxed out should be equivalent to proto, or it should be a different bonus.
- by KAGEHOSHI Horned Wolf - at 2014.01.20 20:03:00
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