Statistics for thread Rifle "balance" |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 73 |
First post | 2014-01-24 04:17:00 |
Last post | 2014-01-25 00:27:00 |
Duration | 1 days (active period), 4046 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 73,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 73 179 |
Longest post | Tectonic Fusion (3994 characters, posted 2014-01-24 18:52:00) |
Average post length | 1 002,5 chars/post |
Unique authors | 27 |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Tectonic Fusion | 13 (17,8%) |
Fizzer94 | 11 (15,1%) |
Espartoi | 5 (6,8%) |
BL4CKST4R | 4 (5,5%) |
Michael Arck | 3 (4,1%) |
Master Smurf | 3 (4,1%) |
John Demonsbane | 3 (4,1%) |
Kira Takizawa | 3 (4,1%) |
Darken-Soul | 3 (4,1%) |
DrDoktor | 2 (2,7%) |
devonus durga | 2 (2,7%) |
Heimdallr69 | 2 (2,7%) |
Korvin Lomont | 2 (2,7%) |
Justin Tymes | 2 (2,7%) |
Monkey MAC | 2 (2,7%) |
Zimander | 2 (2,7%) |
Your Absolut End | 1 (1,4%) |
NAV HIV | 1 (1,4%) |
Mordecai Sanguine | 1 (1,4%) |
Marad''er | 1 (1,4%) |
Jake Bloodworth | 1 (1,4%) |
Jack McReady | 1 (1,4%) |
HYENAKILLER X | 1 (1,4%) |
Ghosts Chance | 1 (1,4%) |
Galthur | 1 (1,4%) |
Dusters Blog | 1 (1,4%) |
Aeon Amadi | 1 (1,4%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 34 (46,6%) |
D.E.F.I.A.N.C.E | 11 (15,1%) |
League of Infamy | 7 (9,6%) |
Renegade Alliance | 6 (8,2%) |
Zero-Day | 5 (6,8%) |
Amarr Empire | 3 (4,1%) |
Public Disorder. | 2 (2,7%) |
RISE of LEGION | 2 (2,7%) |
Covert Intervention | 1 (1,4%) |
General Tso's Alliance | 1 (1,4%) |
Ivy League | 1 (1,4%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 13 (17,8%) |
L.O.T.I.S. | 11 (15,1%) |
Zero-Day Attack | 5 (6,8%) |
Ancient Exiles. | 4 (5,5%) |
WarRavens | 4 (5,5%) |
2Shitz 1Giggle | 3 (4,1%) |
Nos Nothi | 3 (4,1%) |
Onuoto Uakan Huogaatsu | 3 (4,1%) |
Tal-Romon Legion | 3 (4,1%) |
Unorganized Ninja Infantry Tactics | 3 (4,1%) |
Dem Durrty Boyz | 2 (2,7%) |
Lost Millennium | 2 (2,7%) |
P.L.A.N. B | 2 (2,7%) |
PiZzA DuDeS | 2 (2,7%) |
Tickle My Null-Sac | 2 (2,7%) |
United Pwnage Service | 2 (2,7%) |
AGGRESSIVE TYPE | 1 (1,4%) |
DUST University | 1 (1,4%) |
Fatal Absolution | 1 (1,4%) |
Galactic News Network | 1 (1,4%) |
Inf4m0us | 1 (1,4%) |
Molon Labe. | 1 (1,4%) |
SVER True Blood | 1 (1,4%) |
The Generals | 1 (1,4%) |
What The French | 1 (1,4%) |
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