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421. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
ADAM-OF-EVE wrote: Nice ideas but im against any mechanic that makes us owners instead of mercs for hire. This is the issue of the current system. Those who want to fight get nothing while those who want to own get heavily rewarded. i also di...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.05 06:57:00
422. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Grimmiers wrote: 137H4RGIC wrote: Grimmiers wrote: -snip Thats just the thing, you don't need MCCs, your Districts come with clones. The enemy uses an MCC. You could call an MCC if you wanted for backup clones... but... I think that m...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.05 06:40:00
423. How to: Image in signature - in General Discussions [original thread]
WhatWhat DJINN TheButt wrote: I'm bored of this now, so if you want to have a picture in your signature before someone patches it just use Markdown:  It will look like nothing in preview screen. Post ...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.05 01:37:00
424. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Grimmiers wrote: Nice Ideas, I'll look over it in more detail later. I was going to suggest a gameplay mechanic that's currently used in archage that allows you to prevent your district from being attacked. In Archage, your guild can purchase ...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 23:19:00
425. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Sinboto Simmons wrote: interesting ideas here, should update as new gameplay machanics (spelling?) are released. Thank you Sinboto! :D
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 21:07:00
426. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
CONCLUSION Well I think that about covers it. Imagining having to launch a massive assault, or place it under siege, keep attacking it until everything is destroyed over the course of a few days or even weeks, depending on how many you have an...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 06:25:00
427. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
MAX PLAYER COUNT PER MATCH/MAP Command Districts are intended to be large battles that are grand and the last bastion of the defending entity. So hopefully this could be a 32+ vs. 32+ (once again depending on the size of the Command District) ...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 06:23:00
428. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
CLONE DEPLOYMENT Preparation Time: This is the time it takes for the assets to be in position to deploy your assault. The enemy will be given notice of said time. So if you have an RDV, your enemy has 5 minutes to assemble a team to counter ...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 06:22:00
429. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
SUBDISTRICTS : Typically, there will be some subdistricts that you can apply to all district installations, such as a Med Lab, which could increase your clone count, a NULL Cannon (which is used for shooting at MCCs attacking the district inst...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 06:20:00
430. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
DISTRICT INSTALLATIONS As mentioned earlier, Districts function as the "Modules" Providing bonuses to the Command District, Other Districts and their subdistricts. The following examples will be included (which you can always add more for more...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 06:19:00
431. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
DISTRICT COMMAND CENTERS District Command Centers are the Hub of District Compounds which supply Powergrid, CPU and Shields, much the same way Control Towers do in EVE Online. The difference is, they can be assaulted. If a team so wishes, the...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 06:15:00
432. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
It was asked in "DUST 514: More Sand in the Box" on what PC needs. In the following posts I will Illustrate an epiphany of what my vision of PC Looks like, with detailed information that provides an outlet for strategy, intense team based Combat a...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 06:13:00
433. [Legion Idea] Planetary Conquest - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
DISTRICT TIMERS: Should be changed. The notion that you have to start an attack with 24 hours notice at the minimum allowed the defending team to plan ahead, thus leaving no room for Surprise attacks whatsoever thus - limiting tactical manuev...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.04 06:13:00
434. What I am thankful for from CCP - in General Discussions [original thread]
Oh I get that. I just don't understand why the aforementioned quotee has to direct anger at someone who chose to accept it, live with it, and move on. Sounds a little ... ill-mannered to put it lightly.
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.03 10:15:00
435. What I am thankful for from CCP - in General Discussions [original thread]
AToS SaGa III wrote: Translated this says: CCP, I am grateful you lie to me, I don't like thinking much anyways, so tell me where to march and I will go. You could of strung us around at the last minute - instead, you waited 2 years while lyi...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.03 07:38:00
436. What I am thankful for from CCP - in General Discussions [original thread]
CCP.. I am thankful you told us this so soon. I read somewhere that you told us about this as soon as possible because you respected us and thought that we should know about this as soon as possible. Thank you. You could have strung us along to t...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.03 05:48:00
437. How will CCP take care of us as we move from the PS3 to PC? - in General Discussions [original thread]
CCP Logibro wrote: Skihids wrote: DUST is dead, long live Legion. That's what it sounds like with every DUST presentation being about Legion. Weren't we promised a new build we could actually play at FF? What happened to that? CCP is hedg...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.02 17:05:00
438. Sticky:[GUIDE] New Players Guide to DUST 514 - in General Discussions [original thread]
BIind Shot wrote: NEW PLAYERS GUIDE as of 5/02/2014 Press PS button located on your controller, select quit hit X. Press triangle over Dust 514 , select delete and hit X. GG. Agreed, have a welcome screen saying "Turn around! THey're closing...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.02 17:03:00
439. [Petition] Full Character Transfers to Project:Legion - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Draco Cerberus wrote: Closed Beta player since the beginning, Signed. Eve player before during and after, Signed. Pissed off without character transfer, Signed! /quote /sign I expected more from CCP. Financially and Logisically, I can unders...
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.02 16:18:00
440. No character transfer per CCP: - in General Discussions [original thread]
Magnus Amadeuss wrote: CCP logibro just stated as such on IRC isk not the same, progression ot the same, ..... It was said that it wasn't developed, but they wan t to
- by 137H4RGIC - at 2014.05.02 16:01:00
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