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1. Announcement:Uprising 1.8 Known Issues - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Has the extended shields inside null cannons been mentioned yet. It seems the shield effect grew since 1.7 but has remained untouched, makes it very difficult to take out uplinks and other equipment or even players when there is blue shielding pro...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.06.04 06:05:00
2. [Questions] EVE LEGION - in General Discussions [original thread]
1. Will Eve Legion have complete open an persistent maps as opposed to the random generated maps we have now for districts. 2. In the Eve Legion keynote it was mentioned that commando's will not be an implemented role at first and will be reworke...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.06.03 20:23:00
3. How to: Image in signature - in General Discussions [original thread]
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.05.04 21:29:00
4. So the next big build for Dust 514 is!!!!!........ - in General Discussions [original thread]
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.05.02 20:09:00
5. What exactly is the next update for DUST 514? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Never mind Dust 514 future . Just saw this guess I'll continue playing till I get bored.
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.05.02 18:43:00
6. What exactly is the next update for DUST 514? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Legion looks and i'm sure will be great if it can finally fulfill the "vision" finally. But in the mean time what updates will be coming to Dust 514 specifically since Fanfest is doing a good job at not giving any actual info on what little fu...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.05.02 18:22:00
7. "Drone PvE is only for Legion" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Just stated in a sit down session with Saberwing that they can't transfer characters from Dust to Legion but they will try an accommodate Dust player in some way.
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.05.02 16:05:00
8. So wait Dust-514 on PS3 is dead? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Dust has apparently been a zombie as the Legion project has been going on for a while now unbeknownst to us players. Stated that they will add only features from Legion to Dust that they "can". DUST beta coming to a close folks.
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.05.02 16:01:00
9. TIERICIDE - in General Discussions [original thread]
Just confirmed for EVE Legion, those who were calling for it got it!!!!!!
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.05.02 15:25:00
10. THATS IT!!!! - in General Discussions [original thread]
One thing I noticed throughout the event is how many Dev's that worked on this game apparently transitioned away without us knowing. Seems that DUST 514 on the ps3 anyway is done PC will receive PVE, P2P market, etc, etc, what we have all wanted...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.05.02 15:04:00
11. Sniper rifles need buff... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Symbioticforks wrote: Let me repeat this in other words. Imagine the enemy team is stacked in a public match.. (one or two squads in prototype gear) Pull out your prototype sniper rifle.. you're an annoyance at best. Oh! you'll still get ki...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.18 20:35:00
12. Swarm launchers - in General Discussions [original thread]
Exodeon Salviej wrote: Hmm...I dunno what to say as I have an anti-armor MinComm. It dual weilds swarm launchers, and gives a 10% increase to their damage. I'm usually owning complete face if my other squad mates can take care of the infantry f...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.14 08:32:00
13. Swarm launchers - in General Discussions [original thread]
Is it just me or should they get a clip size increase. You get only 1 reload even at proto an your out of shots if you can't drop your target.
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.14 08:01:00
14. Sniper Darts - in General Discussions [original thread]
I posted a similar idea before but said that you could switch to the different bullet types on your weapons wheel since this is basically a new equipment type. Other than that all good points hear. The Amarr dart could cause the internals of hit ...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.12 01:14:00
15. Scouts dont need Cloaks - in General Discussions [original thread]
The only real things that maybe need to be implemented for the cloaks are fixes to the delay glitch with certain weapons like the shot gun; that let you fire when cloaked an then recloak before the decloaking animation kicks in. Second when fired...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.12 00:55:00
16. remove friendly fire for fw - in General Discussions [original thread]
True Adamance wrote: TechMechMeds wrote: I support this, also remove orbitals. Remove the only Dust/EVE interaction in the game because causal players can't be assed or don't want to link to EVE? Heck no. Heck i'm a casual player and co...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.08 21:25:00
17. Caldari heavy looks?!?!? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Malcom Kashada wrote: Uhm, am i the only one thinking that the caldari heavy dropsuit needs a little... reworking? Apart from the fact that it looks light years different from the super-cool concept, there are textures of some parts of the armo...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.08 21:20:00
18. remove friendly fire for fw - in General Discussions [original thread]
GûæGûæGûäGûÇGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûÇGûÇGûäGûäGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûäGûÇGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûÇGûäGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûäGûÇGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæ...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.08 20:16:00
19. I'm confused - in General Discussions [original thread]
I find that individuals give the angriest hate mail when you A) Use a controversial fit be it sniper or the now resurgent scout and/or B) Deny them all the small victories But these much sought after digital letters can be soured by the shea...
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.08 10:14:00
20. Disable the Missiles When Hacking!! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Not sure about during but after the hack is initiated a brief pause whilst firing would be nice, before it flips to the enemy team or the hack is stopped.
- by Outer Raven - at 2014.04.08 09:40:00
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