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1. Grenade types? - in Rookie Training Grounds [original thread]
Beren Hurin wrote: Book of Armaments. Armaments chapter 2 verses 9-21: Quote: And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy ...
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2013.02.01 16:18:00
2. n00b Tip: Lurk Only? Suggestions? - in Rookie Training Grounds [original thread]
Ive been playing since Sept 2012 : Mainly I ran all different fits until I realised That a Certain fit was giving me High KDR . I use this fit now as my main That i call Combat Medic. Different Maps Different Fits but find A fit that is comfort...
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2013.02.01 16:16:00
3. Vehicle Fails (me) - in Rookie Training Grounds [original thread]
While this topic is fresh : Me Lav Driving with 3rd person view CAN I GET INVERT Y AXIS LIKE PULL DOWN TO LOOK UP IN 3RD PERSON LAV View. I really cant find it anywhere, does anyone have invert look on Lav ?
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2013.02.01 13:10:00
4. Sticky:Ideas/Themes for DUST 514 Maps - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
MInmatar Specific Slaver Hound Cull.
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2013.02.01 12:50:00
5. Really, Nerf the Tanks - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Good Luck taking Sir Meode's Tanks out on your own. Really is a Multiple effort, I agree with Gunner and Ruby as the main issue. Scout out its Shield and Armour, then coordinate a Flux bash then Swarm and Av nade the rest. .
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2013.02.01 12:46:00
6. Salvage from the Dead - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Instead of random salvage after game How about a new salvage system: 1. If you are taken down, Then an Enemy or Team mate can salvage from your Dropsuit. A similar Timer to hacking. 2. Whilst hack Salvaging The downed Clone, You will obviously b...
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2013.02.01 11:35:00
7. Shoulder those Mass Drivers Noobs!! Friendly Fire coming soon! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Maken Tosch wrote: Watch out blueberries. I may start stabbing you if I catch you doing something amazingly stupid. I was Just thinking "Watch out Blubes. I may start stabbing you if I catch you doing something amazingly stupid." Awesome.
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2013.01.31 15:58:00
8. Sensitivity - in General Discussions [original thread]
The Sensitivity at 0% seems much higher than the 100% of last build. Seems to go from Zippy at 0% to insane blur at 100%. Can we Get Sluggish Forge gun horned cow at 0% upto Crazy warp 10 at 100% sensitivity. Would cover a lot of different game...
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.12.19 10:21:00
9. Merry Christmas to the DUST Community and Special Thanks to CCP - in General Discussions [original thread]
Hey Hey , Happy Holidays Chaps. Hafa gaman from Embod Mik
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.12.19 09:51:00
10. Message to CCP Wolfman - in General Discussions [original thread]
I must concur Aeon Amadi. The dis ingenuousness of any gentleman proclaiming to be named Wolfman, and never sporting at least a mildly ferocious beard must surely befall him to the classification of pew pew beard or some other nomenclatural whi...
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.12.14 15:46:00
11. The French Connection - in General Discussions [original thread]
Jack Boost wrote: aucune ID wrote: demandez donc a CCPd exclure tout ce qui esy francais vous serais dans un monde magnifique les gars Je demande deux baguettes et le poulet ... attendre, +¬crire en anglais, m+¬me s'il n'est pas plac+¬. I...
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.12.14 15:27:00
12. [Request] Boarding and Dis-boarding animations for vehicles. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I like the idea too but i think that Dust has to be careful not to fall towards Eve like 'simulation. Keeping the FPS feel fluid. Some times you need to bail from a moving vehicle and I wouldnt want to have to take off a seat belt first.
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.12.13 14:09:00
13. How to Roast a MINMATAR - in General Discussions [original thread]
My Ragor Rats use Pax Amarria for Toilet..... RAGOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Die Ammatar Mandate
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.10.25 14:22:00
14. [REQUEST] Please remove the "would you like to fit this" from the market - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Agreed, stop putting obstacles in the way of our Chi Life Force. Flow, Harmony and Balance....... and Epic Speed Please.
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.10.25 13:02:00
15. Petition - Vile Rat Armour Tribute - in General Discussions [original thread]
Seems very honourable +1
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.10.23 15:19:00
16. Funny how people go heh, "this is a COD clone" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Cod died after Black Ops becuase it was no longer fluid. BF3 was a better Laugh afterwards. The thing Dust has is a dedicated team with constant improvement ahead, no other console game has that.
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.10.02 13:33:00
17. Why dumb the game down even more? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Coyskurk wrote: The strafing too bad for you? Awww poor you... GO PLAY COD Yee Haw Brother :) Hiding behind a wall so not to die , then starfing is sound logic surely.
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.10.02 11:08:00
18. Sticky:DUST 514 IRC channel - in General Discussions [original thread]
Add Mikra_Chadslar Please Grideris. Thanks
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.09.27 11:00:00
19. Aurium-ISK Gift and/or exchange rate - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Jaysin 011584 wrote: It would be nice to be able to gift Aurium and ISK to other players, as well as salvaged merchandise. Because i will not use a sniper rifle but to gift it to a friend could be useful so my Sniper can use that equipment to c...
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.09.24 14:42:00
20. Vehicle / overview map - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Another Vehicle one! was on turret and not sure if got blew up but insta spawned from middle of map into an area that had a timer. Dangerous Area! coudnt leave by 10 seconds so died.
- by Mikra-Embod Chadslar - at 2012.09.23 16:29:00
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