Gemini Cuspid wrote:
Because if I wanted Dust for PC I'd care more about Legion. But I don't and it could be called a personal preference or being stubborn but I also judge the quality of the games by the company in all of their fronts: Duken Nukem's re-release was horrible and that company earns my vote to never buy a release from them. Square-Enix redeemed themselves with FF14:ARR and Tomb Raider. I think FF14's first release was far worse than Dust but they've jumped miles ahead of CCP on the communication, expectation and keeping players informed.
CCP really is on lifeline with how I support them now. I have an i7 build running SLI cards so it's a beastly gaming rig. But the point I will make is what use is buying into Legion or even Dust right now when you can't really look at CCP and believe they won't have your interest in mind? When stuff got problematic on Dust rather than run into "fix it" mode they gave us cloaks....Instead of interviewing and investigating the Gek-38 imbalance they gave us Railguns...How company approaches obstacles is a criteria all gamers like to sit down and talk about and use as a point of contention with CCP.
Their pr is horrible right now, they're barely surviving public scrutiny [because only presidents should have a sub 50% approval rating without getting fired] and they're intentionally going to abandon a large quantity of their current playerbase to move onto a concept, Legion, that's built upon a semi-broken concept, Dust.
You don't have to be a PC, console or hybrid player like me to look at this and scratch your head with a "wtf" exclamation mark on your head. Surprisingly this is by far NOT THE WORSE thing a company has done; HP saying they plan to stop making PC's was and we all know what happened to their CEO. CCP has stopped WoD and now can't even handle Dust, I'd be worried if I was them. This is far worse than when they released EvE:Incarna because working on game updates and material no one wants is a waste of resources.
FF14 fired the entire production staff first. Hired a guy that had experience with MMOs he then turns around hires more personnel to fix the game first; then he focused on a ps4 launch. Now those are out of the way content time.
Uprising 1.0 did had quite a few people quit from beta, and quite a few people demanding a FFXIV ARR treatment; shut it down and do it again.
As for what CCP Wolfman and CCP Remnant do I can only do so much yelling at them. Cloaking was being brought in regardless because of technology investment costs (shaders.) I would love to thank CCP Remnant on at least listening to the CPM concerning cloak role and function; previous version of the cloak would not been enjoyed at all. Regardless CCP developers are human; they are people; they have emotions like you and I and lot of these guys are absolutely scared to talk to most of you; let alone the CPM. CCP Rouge knows about the issue though so hopefully he being in the position can do better persuasion.
As for approval ratings lets say you're company board and you see this score and read most of the bad reviews while the forums where exploding with negativity? What would your actions be? I am no member of such boards but I would have had heads roll for that.
While I would love to talk more about horrible PR as the relationship with it as CPM is probably the reason why staying was the smarter of two terrible moves we could have done; Bottom line its not CCP Rouges fault; its not the CPM's fault. We did what we could, and now CCP knows they effed up. That's the important part. They know they effed up. Things happen when a company realizes it effed up.
and no the far worst thing I ever had a company do to me; is shut down an MMO development, and then using most of the funds since its launch favor of another entirely different mmo as the game completely. While the one they're shutting down fell massively short of its goals and didn't even bother trying to reach up to accomplish any more of its goals it set out to do; patchings only consisting mostly of ui changes and monetization efforts. Heck that second mmo was not even in the same universe or category and promising a sequel with no transferability. Sadly that second mmo is already shutting down so yes I been in your boat before. The whole getting cut off Its not new I experienced it and whole reason why I cannot be as pissed off as I like to be over CCP's fubared legion announcement because it wasn't worth getting angry about in the end.