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21. Walking around the ship - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
It's planned. I have no idea how long it'll be, though; when they tried to do that for Eve, the result was the Carbon engine equivalent of our merc quarters. (As I understand it, it turned out the engine scaled for crap, which is probably why DU...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.10.10 18:02:00
22. Scrambler REALLY needs to be nerfed - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I'd agree that the SCR is not OP. This doesn't mean that I haven't had regular occasion to curse its existence when I get my scout-running butt unexpectedly blapped off by one, or heard the cursing of Heavy-running teammates who've just received...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.10.10 17:34:00
23. Widen Speed Gaps Between Frames - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Bojo The Mighty wrote: Actually my sensors are pretty fine, it's just impossible for any scout to get their precision as low as their profile. I got 20 meter coverage and avoid ADV scanners just fine.... I am sneaky but guess what, LOS detects...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.10.06 22:21:00
24. Widen Speed Gaps Between Frames - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
This may be deemed heresy, but ... actually, I don't see that the Gal Scout (which I admittedly run as an alternative fit rather than a primary) is really designed to speed tank. More, "I am sneakier than you, see more than you, and can find that ...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.10.06 01:50:00
25. [Feedback] Omniscient Installations and Scout Sensor Range - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Shotty GoBang wrote: Bug or By Design? Smells, strongly, of "by design." It's specific to your own side's resources, it limits the need to have your active scanner-users pulled back and playing defense, it mitigates the "fog of war" from the...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.29 00:28:00
26. The Fall of the Scout, Followup - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Shotty GoBang wrote: On Scan Radius: Fact - Scout Scan Radius was nerfed to 10m on release of Uprising. Theory - This nerf was designed to encourage Active Scanner use. Observation - Squad Sight changes have boosted Active Scanner use. Predict...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.28 15:05:00
27. [Feedback] Omniscient Installations and Scout Sensor Range - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Thurak1 wrote: Meeko Fent wrote: Sure. Scout need something special about them besides being made of paper. Personally i wish scouts still shared their passive scanning with tacnet. But with the active scanner reward coming soon maybe m...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.28 05:26:00
28. [Feedback] Omniscient Installations and Scout Sensor Range - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Shotty GoBang wrote: A Proto GalScout with 4 complex range amps ... Would be hard-pressed to fit anything else of value on his suit. Would be better off running even a Basic Scanner. Would be a dead Scout if/when he decided to fight. Well .....
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.26 16:10:00
29. [Feedback] Omniscient Installations and Scout Sensor Range - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Garth Mandra wrote: Just a slight correction for you. Max skilled Gal scout without modules: 10 * 1.5 * 1.5 = 22.5 meters. Max skilled Gal scout with 4 complex range amps: 10 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 1.45 * (1 + 0.45*.87) * (1 + 0.45*.57) * (1 + .45*.28...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.26 03:20:00
30. [Feedback] Omniscient Installations and Scout Sensor Range - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Dear CCP, Recently, you all have done some neat things in the realm of stealth and sensors. Removing squad-sight as a means of emphasizing scanner use was, actually, pretty brilliant. With that acknowledged, let me point out something: you've le...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.26 02:30:00
31. [Request] New heavy weapon: Scout launcher. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Powerh8er wrote: How about a weapon that shots scouts? A scout launcher. You jest, but I could see having a logistical attachment for HAV's (or the as-yet unseen MAV's) that serves as a catapult for fast deployment. Need to place a sniper i...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.25 04:35:00
32. Please make AV grenades Equipment - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
J Lav wrote: That's right, I'm asking for AV grenades to be made into equipment, not a grenade. Even rename it to something like the AV demo packet. Here's why: -At present, they can be thrown without dropping your main weapon. So there is no ...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.23 15:18:00
33. scouts are OP, nerf them! - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Fire bolt2 wrote: Yun Hee Ryeon wrote: Lightning Bolt2 wrote: Fire bolt2 wrote: Gh0st C0de wrote: Minimal effort list-style response, engage. 1. If you are a troll, you should try harder. I would recommend more subtlety. However, c...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.21 18:27:00
34. scouts are OP, nerf them! - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Lightning Bolt2 wrote: Fire bolt2 wrote: Gh0st C0de wrote: Minimal effort list-style response, engage. 1. If you are a troll, you should try harder. I would recommend more subtlety. However, crude humor and puns are also popular options ...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.21 18:04:00
35. [Request] Automatic Scrambler Pistol - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Doyle Reese wrote: I don't see an auto scrambler pistol happening, a burst scrambler pistol maybe (sort of like the Glock in CS) Already exists. Slightly broken, or so I gather.
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.17 02:55:00
36. [Request] Automatic Scrambler Pistol - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Surrender thine 425% headshot damage, and I might consider agreeing. Otherwise, you're trading a skillshot weapon for a "well, I'm sure a couple of these will hit the head" weapon. Get ye hence, varlet!
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.17 02:53:00
37. collision detection "bug" - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Quil Evrything wrote: I think it's been commented on occasionally. but people are not usually that close unless they're using knives Knife user here. I have had no substantial difficulty with hostiles being able to walk through me. Pinning ...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.17 02:45:00
38. Scanners are OP, why they still need a slight buff, and why wp for scanners migh... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Scout here. +1 for OP. (+5 if I could.) Scanner use is increasing rapidly, especially in organized squads. The moment I see one trigger, I know I need to find somewhere else to be or else introduce a new element (like an RE in an unexpected pla...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.07 00:42:00
39. Nova Knives Now The Only 'Broken' Weapon it Seems - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Nova knives work fine for striking unwitting targets dead where they stand. They're troublesome for an actual fight, but you're maybe better off with a gun for that, anyway...?
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.05 17:44:00
40. The new aim-assis (Actual Feedback, NOT just QQ) - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
ALPHA DECRIPTER wrote: You're right, it is a bit much. As a scout I'm used to being killed quick but now it's just out of control (a few heavies I know find themselves dying much faster as well). I'm not asking to get rid of it but instead to d...
- by Yun Hee Ryeon - at 2013.09.05 16:21:00
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