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141. WoW is better then EVE - in General Discussions [original thread]
GET JELLY SCRUB wrote: What's an EVE? Oh yeah it's that spreadsheet game that no one has heard of. yet there's thousands of players on at any given time except downtime...
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.15 23:26:00
142. Just played Battlefield 3 again and wow - in General Discussions [original thread]
I ******* loved bf3, too bad most of the dlc was pretty abandoned when 4 was released. Aftermath was probably the greatest dlc I've ever seen. god I miss scavenger
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.14 02:29:00
143. What Proto suits do you own - in General Discussions [original thread]
amarr assault amarr scout gallente scout gallente heavy caldari logi I mostly use amarr assault. I just like how high I can jump with three myofibs. the only other suit that gets me that is the cal logi, but then it has almost no hp, bad for a te...
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.14 00:21:00
144. I GOT DA POWER! - in General Discussions [original thread]
I'm going to put 4 myofibs on a cal logi with a mass driver
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.12 15:27:00
145. WOWWWW - in General Discussions [original thread]
you must really suck...
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.10 22:10:00
146. CCP AquarHEAD - in General Discussions [original thread]
Arkena Wyrnspire wrote: Patrick57 wrote: CCP AquarHEAD wrote: I've been using it for really a long time.... **** you did not lie... 1220 hours on dota 2? that's dedication. most I have on any game is probably like 300 on dust Ah, an...
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.09 18:13:00
147. The Biggest Improvement to Dust 514 Would Be... - in General Discussions [original thread]
nelo kazuma wrote: A survival modes for up to six people where waves of enemies keep coming and get more difficult as time passes like zombies in call of duty?
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.09 15:32:00
148. CCP AquarHEAD - in General Discussions [original thread]
CCP AquarHEAD wrote: I've been using it for really a long time.... **** you did not lie... 1220 hours on dota 2? that's dedication. most I have on any game is probably like 300 on dust
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.09 05:31:00
149. Squads that you wanted to run but never had the chance.... - in General Discussions [original thread]
after reading that age thread I was thinking a squad with all the younger players but realistically I'd say an amarr scout squad or amarr assaults with triple stacked myos 8)
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.09 05:24:00
150. Is EVE worth playing? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Joseph Ridgeson wrote: I will say this: there are people in EVE that are literally Space Truckers. I have seen them in Vegas in special shirts. They play the game by making deals for ferrying goods across New Eden. The only thing I can say is t...
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.09 05:21:00
151. Is EVE worth playing? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Nocturnal Soul wrote: FIND A DAMN CORP I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH!!!!!! my only real corp (not fw) was a null sec corp where all I did was mine:3
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.09 05:17:00
152. Is DUST in your Top 3 PS3 games? - in General Discussions [original thread]
1) Battlefield 3 2) Battlefield Bad Company 2 3) Red Dead Redemption 4) Batman: Arkham City 5) Dust so close :/ a while ago it would've been number one though
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.08 21:41:00
153. Dreis Shadowweaver - Lifesaver - in General Discussions [original thread]
dammit someone brought this post up and then I liked the op before checking the date T_T
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.08 21:21:00
154. So... Planetside 2 - in General Discussions [original thread]
One Eyed King wrote: Also, I edited my comment in the quote, because it ends at Midnight Eastern, but 9 Pacific. I was confusing myself (and you). I will amend the original post as well Thanks, I thought you meant it would be up for nine hours:P
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.08 21:18:00
155. So... Planetside 2 - in General Discussions [original thread]
One Eyed King wrote: Patrick57 wrote: got a code server unavailable Its only available 3pm - Midnight Pacific Time M-Th, then 3pm F to Midnight Sunday, also Pacific Time. Ahh that makes sense. But why pacific time
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.08 20:48:00
156. So... Planetside 2 - in General Discussions [original thread]
got a code server unavailable
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.08 17:24:00
157. We got a new FOTW? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Mobius Wyvern wrote: Bright Steel wrote: 9/10 deaths are to ScR... I didn't mind them being a little OP before when I ran into a vizam every once in a while. But now every time I turn around I'm seeing ScR. That thing melts everything, even...
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.08 12:23:00
158. Get proto out of pubs - in General Discussions [original thread]
Soldner VonKuechle wrote: Patrick57 wrote: JARREL THOMAS wrote: Soldner VonKuechle wrote: GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûôGûôGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûôGûôGûÆGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæG...
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.07 23:20:00
159. Get proto out of pubs - in General Discussions [original thread]
JARREL THOMAS wrote: Soldner VonKuechle wrote: GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûÆGûôGûôGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûôGûôGûÆGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæ GûæGûæGûæGûæGûæGûæG...
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.07 23:04:00
160. Cal Logis - in General Discussions [original thread]
The Dark Cloud wrote: They are just as useless like a fork for eating soup. I eat soup with a knife
- by Patrick57 - at 2015.04.07 05:03:00
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