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3201. How To Fix Tanks in 1.8 Hotfix - in General Discussions [original thread]
The problem with all vehicles right now is hardener stacking. Just only allow a single hardener to be fit to a vehicle or vastly reduce the DMG % reduction of hardeners.
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 13:59:00
3202. What the hell is DNS doing in DUST PC? - in The War Room [original thread]
ANON Illuminati wrote: commander my friend. We are just recycling is all. LOL you doing your bit for the environment ehh buddy?
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 13:48:00
3203. LOL So I guess I wont bother with DUST today? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Judging by the vast amounts of broken **** and all of the QQ, I think I will leave it a few days. I'm not at all surprised, what did I tell you guys.... were still beta testers, were still the first line bug hunters. Don't even try to tell me any...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 13:47:00
3204. Please ccp remove that - in General Discussions [original thread]
Yea more events that effect lore or have some sort of relevance to lore would be great. Remember the old Caldari Prime event? Things like that would be nice every few months. You dont have to spend ages making new art assets (Although that would b...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 02:05:00
3205. More dynamic maps - in General Discussions [original thread]
Ziero01 wrote: From what I understand, Dynamic map elements were something that were supposed to be originally added into the game in the first place. At the very least, player deployed installations are something that will eventually be added,...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 01:58:00
3206. Any last words for 1.7 - in General Discussions [original thread]
While I'm sure 1.8 will be nice I am reserving my judgement until it is finally here and were discovering new bugs.... 1.7 has been the worst build of dust so far, at least in terms of game play balance and probably on par in terms of performance...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 01:51:00
3207. When character creation arrives - in General Discussions [original thread]
I would quite like to be Cyborg, or some sort of bio-mech intertwining. Anything futuristic and high-tech!
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 01:34:00
3208. What the hell is DNS doing in DUST PC? - in The War Room [original thread]
Correct me if my information is out of date but Dirt Nap Squad were / are just a bunch of quite well known but quite small in influence bunch of Covert Ops dudes that I flew with back in SF in EVE. What is there relevance here? Why have the big c...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 01:33:00
3209. To ANON - in The War Room [original thread]
To be honest OP Members of Anon were starting to take breaks from the game a while before the corp failed in PC and then broke apart. We had a good spell (At least when I was in Anon) for a while, but myself and others stopped playing, not saying...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 01:29:00
3210. This.... - in General Discussions [original thread]
lol that video says so much about CCP. "Incarna" LOL joke. Dust - ended up being nothing like the original vision. I think personally because they did the wrong thing and went for consoles only. As per usual, CCP has great ideas but sometimes t...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.25 01:24:00
3211. Some questions from a newly proto heavy - in General Discussions [original thread]
- Breach forge can hold its charge and as a pure shock factor - its high damage does shock. However unless you have a 2nd breach forger with you, you are probably better off with the assault forge or the regular operation forge gun. - Rep modules...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 19:58:00
3212. When is 1.8 out? Or is it already out... - in General Discussions [original thread]
ALPHA DECRIPTER wrote: Egonz4 wrote: Ma+¦ana That's "tomorrow" in case anyone's Spanish is just that bad. My Spanish is not "bad" it is non-existent.
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 19:55:00
3213. more TTK = more protostopping - in General Discussions [original thread]
Remote explosives really will shine tomorrow and onwards.
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 19:47:00
3214. Hope ScR will suffer after 1.8 - in General Discussions [original thread]
The scrambler rifle (The charge shot ScR) has needed a RoF nerf for the longest time. Still users of said op weapon (when and only when combined with the Amarr assault suit) will come out to defend it. Look at the dreadful state the TAC AR was le...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 18:29:00
3215. Caldari Sentinel Effective Hp (EHP) *Warning contains math* - in General Discussions [original thread]
I dont see anybody fitting over 900 shields as a flux will leave it waiting where as less = that nice 1 sec regen. I do predict railrifle heavy suit users will flock to this suit over time as when this suit is in a good offensive position with co...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 18:27:00
3216. TankFest 1.8 - in General Discussions [original thread]
damn an unhardened tank can take 3 re`s placed on its weak spot and still drive away casually! Its crazy, its DUST 514.
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 16:12:00
3217. Assault SMG > Magsec SMG - in General Discussions [original thread]
In any FPS game I have ever played that tries to be reasonably balanced, they will always have the 'long range high damage per bullet' rifles have some sort of weakness. Usually in the form of reduced rate of fire and clip size. However in DUST th...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 16:07:00
3218. Okay I'm getting a bit scared... - in General Discussions [original thread]
I would strongly suggest remote explosives on a scout suit or something quite fast. Granted this is only really fun in close quarters maps but Remotes do not discriminate. They will blow up 95%+ of proto suits just the same as blowing up new start...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 16:03:00
3219. What will you be doing on Tuesday? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Playing Starcraft 2 until I get my hands on BF4. Always coming back to check the forums and to laugh over the continual broken imbalance of this game.
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 14:16:00
3220. [Video] Answer to "true scout" challenge. - in General Discussions [original thread]
This is KingBabar 101. Stomp noobs all day errr'y day. This game massively caters to pub stompers its actually incredible. Like Steadyhand said in another thread - that's fine IF we could chose the level of danger / the level of risk we want to p...
- by CommanderBolt - at 2014.03.24 14:12:00
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