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5381. Considering Logi suits next build.... - in General Discussions [original thread]
You will want to max out pg/cpu skills. some of the better nanohives do reps too ive heard. And were about as fast as assault, give or take. still can move at normal speed and keep up with a sprinting heavy
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.26 09:49:00
5382. A serious thread about Mass Drivers - in General Discussions [original thread]
I used the MK-19 in the marines a decade ago. earlier version of that monster.
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.26 09:45:00
5383. Considering Logi suits next build.... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Enji Elric wrote: Can experienced logi's tell me some of the pros and cons of the logi suits? currently I run assualt and Mass Driver/ Shotgun... but I find that I need more PG/CPU to have a better Nanohive, and I wouldnt mind helping out wit...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.26 09:39:00
5384. A serious thread about Mass Drivers - in General Discussions [original thread]
I dont think the OP realizes that a six shot, impact fused revolver grenade launcher is a real weapon in real life. My other real counterpoint shall be the four shot mass driver was ******** as hell when you realize all the models have six chambers.
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.26 09:35:00
5385. A serious thread about Mass Drivers - in General Discussions [original thread]
I go for direct hits within 20 meters. if you are further out you can safely assume the repair beam keeping that annoying heavy up while you shoot him is mine. i smoke cigars, dispense bullets and generally avoid direct combat unless supported by ...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.26 09:26:00
5386. A serious thread about Mass Drivers - in General Discussions [original thread]
Got other things i need to do befire i can train flux. namely train skills to better keep you chumps upright and firing. Priorities dont you know. By the way, one in every three nanite cocktails is mixed with fine beers that the gallente mudwre...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.26 09:22:00
5387. A serious thread about Mass Drivers - in General Discussions [original thread]
Tectonious Falcon wrote: Are you telling me you seriously expect a - grenade- launcher to be a direct hit weapon? Of course they're going to miss and kill you, who would waste time trying to get only direct hits? Because only direct hits w...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.26 09:13:00
5388. Representation of Women in Dust - in General Discussions [original thread]
Beld Errmon wrote: Gunner Visari wrote: Also granted since their isnt any flesh behind these suits just circuitry it could be argued that you dont need a male/female variant of anything because the perfect soldier shape wouldnt be a a two ...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 18:13:00
5389. Representation of Women in Dust - in General Discussions [original thread]
Bluntly i doubt too many players are going to notice the walk unless its their toon. without getting close and really examining the dropsuits that show differences the dropsuits make everyone look rather... Homogenous, i guess. And on the battlef...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 12:47:00
5390. Eve Online , going back? - in General Discussions [original thread]
If you've really got a mad-on for piracy, and you have friends in game, your countdown to piracy can begin five minutes after you log in, figure out how to use a gate and set a route to link up with said friends. Expect that you are going to lose...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 12:33:00
5391. The beta is almost open! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Wink wink, nudge nudge.
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 12:27:00
5392. Eve/Dust fiction - in General Discussions [original thread]
Odiain Suliis wrote: Templar one by Tony Gonzales is about Dust and how we mercks come to be. Now, Templar one is a sequel to The Empyrean Age, also by same author.
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 12:21:00
5393. The beta is almost open! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Foley Jones wrote: The beta is almost offically open to everyone! Soon as CCP opens the gates we will all be flooded with a hored of players..who will instantly complain about ever detail and say its a rip off of CoD (gotta love those fanboys) ...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 12:18:00
5394. Eve Online , going back? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Smuggler: you need a blockade runner. and forget about drugs and such. youll be smuggling cheap things from high security space to sell at 300% profit in null. takes about a month just for the ship, and another 120-160days to get the skills you ne...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 12:12:00
5395. Eve Online , going back? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Im not so sure. bluntly eve is not great for most gamers until they outgrow their manic phase. if you are mentally geared for fast progression, arent methodical in your skill choices or have a clear idea what you want from the game i recommend sti...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 11:57:00
5396. Laser rifles are OP, it seems. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Chunky Munkey wrote: They wouldn't be so poweful if people thought twice about running their Type-II/B-Series assault & heavy suits. Also; going head to head with a laser rifle at close range is like being attacked with a damp sock. Lie...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 11:34:00
5397. Dear CCP santa clause - in General Discussions [original thread]
Timothy Reaper wrote: Breakin Stuff wrote: I want a heavy suit on par with the raven, sever and dragonfly suits as a BPO, painted in christmas colors and a forge gun bpo (militia grade of course) with HO HO HO! Written on it. ' Sinterklaas...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 11:17:00
5398. Laser rifles are OP, it seems. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Blunt Smkr wrote: I think its kinda op cause of how long u can fire befor it overheats u can just mow people down. Maybe if they made it overheat faster n make the damage build up a little faster to match. so that way u have a better chance to ...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 11:14:00
5399. Forge guns and swarms vs tanks .... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Vermaak Kuvakei wrote: Bhor Derri wrote: Most tanks armor plating consists of 3 stages internal , external composite and outer reactive most tanks have an armor thickness of 150 mm meaning an RPG would have a hard time penetrating it thus de...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 10:42:00
5400. Dear CCP santa clause - in General Discussions [original thread]
I want a heavy suit on par with the raven, sever and dragonfly suits as a BPO, painted in christmas colors and a forge gun bpo (militia grade of course) with HO HO HO! Written on it. And I want a soda fountain that dispenses delicious drinks made...
- by Breakin Stuff - at 2012.12.24 10:29:00
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