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481. snipers not taking damage - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
It is neither rendering nor the zoom on the rifles itself. While i agree the sniper rifles should have better zoom that is not the issue you are having. Every gun has an absolute range. That means the damage of each shot gets severely reduced over...
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.15 08:57:00
482. Are you serious CCP? Why are my dropships randomly & instantly exploding ? - in General Discussions [original thread]
My Railgun tank One hits Derpships :p
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.12 07:03:00
483. randomly promoted a director that kicked all our members - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Good. They deserve to be raided and disbanded just like you guys.
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.12 06:57:00
484. [Suggestion] Dealing with TTK - Nerfing the AR - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Tech Ohm Eaven wrote: abarkrishna wrote: Once again you people are stupid as hell. All guns have a relative DPS of 600. The average players total HP is around 600. If DPS is equal to HP then your ******. All DPS needs to be changed not jus...
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.11 20:28:00
485. CCP failed to fix - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
It is simple. DO NOT MAKE ANY EVE PLAYER A DIRECTOR. Problem solved
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.11 00:43:00
486. 0SP awarded 0 isk rewarded suits consumed WP earned - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
If you AFK in match you don't get anything. they force you to get WP to get any rewards
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.11 00:40:00
487. [Request] I want to be able to give my gear away... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
It does not have merit. You wish to be able to trade weapons/and equipment. With the new marketplace you will be able to sell and buy rare weapons and such. It's kind of a waste of time to introduce a share option when they are already working on ...
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.10 12:46:00
488. [Suggestion] Dealing with TTK - Nerfing the AR - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Don't you forget it.
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.10 06:13:00
489. [Suggestion] Dealing with TTK - Nerfing the AR - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Once again you people are stupid as hell. All guns have a relative DPS of 600. The average players total HP is around 600. If DPS is equal to HP then your ******. All DPS needs to be changed not just the AR. Get your facts right scrubs.
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.10 05:38:00
490. Requesting Friendly Fire - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Have you even played FW? It's way more tactics based. Especially since its all dual squads and faction specific corps. It's never run and gun and if it is it is because of noobs. That's why when friendly fire gets turned on it will be even better....
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.10 05:33:00
491. [Request] I want to be able to give my gear away... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
God you people never read the forums. They are completely redoing FW As well as introducing a secondary player run marketplace. They decided to release them both at the same time which will be in the next few months. dec is vehicles and then hopef...
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.10 03:46:00
492. Requesting Friendly Fire - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
It is coming in Faction warfare soon. It's a better idea to leave friendly fire off in pub matches. The way i see it is a bunch of noobs will get teamkilled in FW and go back to pubs leaving FW to the Players who actually do something.
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.10 03:43:00
493. {Feedback)New player experience first impression - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Just made a new character and played through battle academy in 2 games. I was then immediately placed in a round with Players in complete proto gear. Seems the only way to play balanced matches is start a new character everyday and only play batt...
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.09 15:17:00
494. request for cpm to look into time to kill matter - in The Council's Chamber [original thread]
I also have heard hundreds of people complaining about this. It really does need to be fixed. Another huge issue that is going on is the lack of Devs monitoring the forums. One reply out of 700 threads is not efficient what so ever. Whats the di...
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.09 01:19:00
495. [Request} Triple the Total Hp of all suits or Reduce the DPS of all guns - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
This is not about balancing. This is about Time to kill. I am simply saying if your guns are gunna do 600 DPS your hp should be at least 3 times that number. It is ridiculous that no matter what suit or how many Hp a suit has it dies in one second.
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.08 13:02:00
496. [Request} Triple the Total Hp of all suits or Reduce the DPS of all guns - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Simply put time to kill is far to short. Whats the point in playing this game for a year to die in a second. If DPS of all guns are around 600 and the average players has 600 Hp your going to have a problem.
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.08 11:36:00
497. I'm onto you, CCP. I know what you're doing next summer. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Either way when it does we will all be rich. I'm sitting on 150 Prometheus dropships that i can't use. as well as 100 falchions. !50 mill plus the 200 mill i already have. ah yes life will be good
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.08 08:52:00
498. 7 reasons Dust has become **** - in General Discussions [original thread]
Regardless my opinion stands. I have been here since closed beta which was the prime of this game. yes they have added some new features but it does not change the fact that this is quickly turning into COD/ BF3. The fact remains time to kill is f...
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.08 08:39:00
499. 7 reasons Dust has become **** - in General Discussions [original thread]
NOT JL wrote: loldustnoob #shouldhavebeenhereinbetalol You must not know who i am.
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.08 08:29:00
500. 7 reasons Dust has become **** - in General Discussions [original thread]
Rendering is still horrible especially in vehicles as others have already mentioned. But this problem is not limited to vehicles alone. There are so many problems with rendering i am not even going to get into it. This needs to be fixed #1In sev...
- by abarkrishna - at 2013.11.08 08:22:00
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