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61. Anyone here played Gunjack? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I played Gunjack at Fanfest. It was fun, but I wouldn't buy a Gear VR or a Samsung phone for it. It's not even tangentially related to DUST, except for the fact they're both set in the EVE universe. Gunjack has no notion of characters or accounts ...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2016.01.06 17:22:00
62. Oculus Rift is $599. Oh well, no Valkyrie for me. - in General Discussions [original thread]
I don't think anyone expected it to be over $399.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2016.01.06 17:20:00
63. Biomassed Episode 86: "The Best and the Worst Audio" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Yup. I've put out open calls for more writers to our blog and guests for our podcast time and time again. If you guys think something should be covered, talk to us about covering it! We definitely need more blog writers in particular, most of the ...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2016.01.05 16:57:00
64. Biomassed Episode 86: "The Best and the Worst Audio" - in General Discussions [original thread]
ReGnYuM wrote: If you do ever get back on the topic of Dust, I would love to get in on an episode... because why not We probably have enough material to focus on DUST every few episodes or so at the moment. The weekend before last, episod...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2016.01.05 08:08:00
65. Biomassed Episode 86: "The Best and the Worst Audio" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Like, if you are enjoying PC, more power to you. But neither me nor Pokey nor Jay can drum up even the slightest amount of care what's happening in it.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2016.01.05 07:35:00
66. Biomassed Episode 86: "The Best and the Worst Audio" - in General Discussions [original thread] Nope, it's not about DUST this week. We discuss some of the best and worst video games and movies of 2015. Also, the audio quality on this episode is really bad. Lots of c...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2016.01.05 06:35:00
67. Biomassed Episode 84: "Real Men Hull Tank" (With Special G... - in General Discussions [original thread]
You know we have pretty much open invitation for people to be on the show, right? You just have to ask.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.12.14 17:56:00
68. Biomassed Episode 84: "Real Men Hull Tank" (With Special G... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Hey guys, we had a special guest on this week! Many of you will recognize him immediately! We also had some legit CCP news on EVE, DUST, and Valkyrie to discuss briefly this week, probably in more detail next week.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.12.14 06:15:00
69. Biomassed Episode 83: "Literally Nothing About DUST" - in General Discussions [original thread]
benandjerrys wrote: There's one thing you guys don't cover that mittens does so well... The sandbox. Yes it still exists and yes it may step on toes. A long time ago Zion tcd wanted to punch Goonswarm in the face.. And we finally got some myos ...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.12.08 16:21:00
70. Biomassed Episode 83: "Literally Nothing About DUST" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Ahkhomi Cypher wrote: That gradual change from a Dust podcast to a general all things nerdy podcast tho... My goal is to waste at least an hour of your attention every single week. If we don't have an hour of DUST talk to have, we'll do an h...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.12.08 05:15:00
71. Biomassed Episode 83: "Literally Nothing About DUST" - in General Discussions [original thread] As it says, we couldn't find anything to talk about regarding DUST this week. So we talked about everything else! Other games, movies, our pitiful online social lives. It'...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.12.08 00:18:00
72. Biomassed Episode 80: "Tinfoil Issues" - in General Discussions [original thread] Yes, we're still here. Lot of tinfoil in here (BAMM's in it, after all) and some good topics of discussion.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.11.19 00:33:00
73. Biomassed Episode 78: "Ewok Cookbook" - in General Discussions [original thread] Basically, Pokey and Jay both ditched us this week. Bait and I managed to pull together a pretty decent show though, along with guests Aeon Amadi and Jadek Menaheim.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.11.02 06:09:00
74. Biomassed Episode 77: "Boundless Optimism" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Union118 wrote: Cant listen to your pod cast cuz its always refreshing. Can you explain this a bit more? Are you trying to listen to the live stream or download the MP3 recording?
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.10.29 23:52:00
75. Biomassed Episode 77: "Boundless Optimism" - in General Discussions [original thread] Episode 77 is here. Bit of a weird showtime this weekend, so a nice mix of guests. Enjoy.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.10.27 06:10:00
76. No use - in General Discussions [original thread]
Shadowed Cola wrote: GM Archduke wrote: So here's the thing. I'm working on a small project for EVE Online, This explains quite a bit, lol. He works in Reykjavik, not Shanghai, so working on something for EVE makes a lot of sense.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.10.26 18:07:00
77. Biomassed Episode 76: "Scary Pokey" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Heracles Porsche wrote: busy for two episodes episodes in a row and I'm forced to miss interacting with Rattati AND BAMM??? **** my life. You snooze, you lose, buddy. :D
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.10.22 04:35:00
78. Biomassed Episode 76: "Scary Pokey" - in General Discussions [original thread] Actually our shortest show on record, we've been keeping close to the hour mark the last couple weeks. Pokey is busy scaring people or something, so we do the show without him. Jadek and B...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.10.21 04:07:00
79. Looks like DUst is less important than a Smartphone game - in General Discussions [original thread]
Aeon Amadi wrote: Eve Online is lower on the list as well, so I seriously doubt it's in chronological or prioritized order. This is on, not, but yeah. On, Valkyrie and Gunjack both list higher than EVE and D...
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.10.17 15:47:00
80. Biomassed Episode 75 (Special Guest: CCP Rattati) - in General Discussions [original thread]
From my time on the CPM, I gathered that CCP Shanghai is a war zone where roving bands of invaders are always attempting to take your meeting room. Meeting rooms are possibly the most hard to come by things at CCP Shanghai.
- by Soraya Xel - at 2015.10.13 12:03:00
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