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21. How come this is the last reset?! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Tzaar Bomba wrote: New to MMOs? Open beta is pretty much more or less an "official release" everyone that wants to, can play freely. We are merely getting a two week head start. It will be our job to guide the noobs. Clearly some will do better...
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.09 20:19:00
22. How come this is the last reset?! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Reav Hannari wrote: This has been discussed to death already. This is not some FPS that is released and everyone starts at the same time and then fades out a few months later. Players will join and be behind from now on. New players may have a...
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.09 20:14:00
23. How come this is the last reset?! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Reav Hannari wrote: Your stuff gets reimbursed after every wipe. They said it would be reimbursed this wipe and that this is probably the last wipe. What's the problem? CCP is stating this is the last reset but what about when game officially...
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.09 20:03:00
24. How come this is the last reset?! - in General Discussions [original thread]
What about the official release aren't we going to have our AUR and event prizes reimbursed?! CCP should be more careful with these things and use the right wording
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.09 19:39:00
25. Open beta is going to change the current powers that be - in General Discussions [original thread]
am pretty sure this game will end up with very same members and corps we have now in the beta and then everyone will get bored and eventually leave
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.08 10:12:00
26. Proto CQB Scout for any interested. - in General Discussions [original thread]
nice of you to share this info, will try it out once i got my proto scout
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.04 11:16:00
27. Why this community is - in General Discussions [original thread]
dammit I started feeling the same way as Azeron lately does that mean i have to leave dust and do i need a thread like this or should i go silently on serious note though OP has some valid point about the useless posts in the forums also abou...
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.03 10:34:00
28. Zion, triton, seraphim, and hellstorm. - in General Discussions [original thread]
butthurt .. idiot .. kids mentality .. more butthurt .. bragging a-hole .. and QQ nothing to see here
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.03 10:26:00
29. Do you think this is pretty much what the game will be by release? - in General Discussions [original thread]
As long as this game on PS3 don't expect much. Hint: limitations
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.01 16:01:00
30. Do you think this is pretty much what the game will be by release? - in General Discussions [original thread]
^ Keep fooling yourselves to OP yes this is the main game minus the co-op mode and FW and thats it
- by Shadows Maker - at 2013.01.01 15:18:00
31. Subject has been edited by a GM. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Impershit ?? Edit: Now i got it, you are refering to the Imperfects lol xmas spirits sure high
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.29 10:51:00
32. The top ten cheezy ways of trying to get the upper hand this build award show. - in General Discussions [original thread]
SoTa PoP wrote: Shadows Maker wrote: dammit i fell under 3 of the above categories! what does that makes me A member of warriors? jk jk :3 I do like the WARRIORS
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.18 00:07:00
33. The top ten cheezy ways of trying to get the upper hand this build award show. - in General Discussions [original thread]
dammit i fell under 3 of the above categories! what does that makes me
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.17 23:58:00
34. Petition for SP Wipe next build. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Anyanka Shadowmane wrote: Shadows Maker wrote: problem is people with the new weapons will be out-gunned by the already lvl 5 weapons which will give inaccurate testing results and how they stack up against the older guns. Allowing players...
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.17 00:17:00
35. Petition for SP Wipe next build. - in General Discussions [original thread]
problem is people with the new weapons will be out-gunned by the already lvl 5 weapons which will give inaccurate testing results and how they stack up against the older guns.
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.16 23:21:00
36. Post Tourney Corp Power Rankings - in General Discussions [original thread]
ALM1GHTY STATIUS wrote: SI got beatdown by Zion I heard... i doubt that since SI won all 3 battles against Zion on the tourny, unless it was friendly 8 on 8 corp battle
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.05 10:19:00
37. Post Tourney Corp Power Rankings - in General Discussions [original thread]
3.STB 4.ZION 5.Synergy 6.ROFL 7.TI 8.South legion 9.WTF 10.Betamax
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.04 19:13:00
38. New Blog: Contract Types as Game Modes? - in General Discussions [original thread]
good read
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.04 15:01:00
39. Quality of players coming in... - in General Discussions [original thread]
I think CCP should ban veteran beta testers from playing the game in the first week of release otherwise every newbie will be turned down immediately after couple of minutes playing against the experienced beta testers. Edit: matchmaking accordin...
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.02 16:07:00
40. This game makes decent players good, and average players bad. - in General Discussions [original thread]
I agree with you i have noticed this since day one its like we have only to extremities of players good - bad and nothing inbetween.
- by Shadows Maker - at 2012.12.02 10:06:00
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