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61. [Request] Increase Light/Scout suit scan radius to 15m or 20m - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Niuvo wrote: On the money! Uplinks should be seen on the minimap not from outer space. We travel a dangerous path indeed. With all due respect, HELL NO. it's a pain in the injector-site trying to mop up the pub-stomping Corp teams that ca...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 06:04:00
62. What CCP name would you make up? - in The Locker Room [original thread]
CCP Flapjack
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 05:55:00
63. LOST INTEREST! - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Meeko Fent wrote: Well, Sir, if you Like Switching things Up, Then you Shouldn't have Skilled So Much into one Skill Tree. You Could Have Skilled Each Weapon to Lvl1, and Each Frame Size to Lvl1, and created a Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 05:43:00
64. To EVE pilots - in General Discussions [original thread]
DUST Fiend wrote: I've only played a very little bit of EVE, and not usually by choice :( I did however greatly enjoy my time with Planetary Interaction, and having some form of meaningful connection between PI and DUST would be pretty cool. B...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 05:28:00
65. Scouts equipment slots - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
loumanchew wrote: On paper perhaps, but the speed, stamina and jumping height made it very agile in ways that the medium frame could not immitate. I understand that the medium frame is king at the moment, but I don't think it should be. All I...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 05:16:00
66. Hard to track down snipers - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Somewhat easy fixes: 1: Last-hit register should be sticky upon death so that players know from which direction they were struck. It's not much, but should help considerably with 'out of the blue' 2. MCC barrier. No, you shouldn't be able to sni...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 05:05:00
67. Scouts equipment slots - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
loumanchew wrote: [quote=Ferren Devarri] While what you say is true, it is surprising how effective the light frame can be at getting to the location of a dead overextender, performing a quick res and getting back with your squad. Sure you get ...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 04:53:00
68. Scouts equipment slots - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Samuel Zelik wrote: I agree: Light Frames entering direct combat would usually resuls in being on the losing end; however, I don't think this should stop them from engaging in direct combat and being effective. Even though there are stereotype...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 04:29:00
69. *sigh... Respecs... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
By the time you get respecs, you should have the SP to buy whatever it was you wanted to get instead. You DID remember to buy Aurum, right? You know, that stuff the game reminds you to buy (Aurum) so that you can get more SP to buy the stuff you ...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 04:17:00
70. Scouts equipment slots - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Samuel Zelik wrote: I don't exactly get what you're saying, but what you just listed can all be accomplished through various skill arrangements. I'm referring to adding Light Frame roles outside of stealth and range, such as a pseudo-Logi or a...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 04:01:00
71. Scouts equipment slots - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Light frames need a slight reinforcement to the roles that would lean towards something with 1/2 the HP of the medium frame: -Hack ninja. close-range, run in, hack a target fast, then get out of town while reinforcements are still inbound. This i...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 03:41:00
72. [Request] Increase Light/Scout suit scan radius to 15m or 20m - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Hanging up my Light suit for now. As a fresh starter, there's really no point. I've lost count the number of times I've been killed -point blank- while hacking terminals. Most deaths frequently happen at a more moderate engagement range of 15-20m...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 03:21:00
73. Has PC failed? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Dust on PC would be a horrible idea. Just look at the rampant hacking plague in PS2 and you'll never go back. Anyone who says 'they've fixed that' is lying to themselves.
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.21 00:08:00
74. Children are now playing Dust 514 too - in General Discussions [original thread]
Players: Bad parenting Game Developers: Bad parenting Teachers: Bad parenting Kids: Great parenting Parents: Game developers are trying to corrupt our children instead of raising them for us. Liberals: Game developers are trying to corrupt our chi...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.20 12:25:00
75. GM Grave 2nd and final respec announce 18/06 | today announce second respec where? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Allah's Snackbar wrote: So if you say the second one was the last then does that mean CCP have simply ignored those requests without explanation? Failed to communicate? Or just cocked up what was arguably a massive **** up? Hardly news in th...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.20 12:16:00
76. What would make dust fun ? - in General Discussions [original thread]
A flashlight and some duct tape. I know what you're thinking about weapon mods because night missions are like someone stuffed your head in a burlap sack then dumped you in a tar pit. But really, I can't find the fridge! That flashlight will rea...
- by Ferren Devarri - at 2013.06.20 12:05:00
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