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7221. SoGǪ With china going to the moon. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Just like humans to gut the Moon. So reckless and self destructive to ourselves. This is just menacingly ignorant.
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 22:23:00
7222. keep up the team killing and its likely .......... - in General Discussions [original thread]
ADAM-OF-EVE wrote: Forlorn Destrier wrote: ADAM-OF-EVE wrote: ccp will just implement a kick from battle system or something similar. ccp is trying to implement more viable game modes with extra danger and some of you have no interest in ...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 21:28:00
7223. Why play FW now but to grief? - in General Discussions [original thread]
All I know is, I will finally be able to take friendly vehicles >:}
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 21:12:00
7224. Who is going to kill to steal vehicles? - in General Discussions [original thread]
GHOSTLY ANNIHILATOR wrote: LOL TRY IT I WILL MOW U DOWN IN 1 SEC W PROTO SR ^__^ My M1 and advanced Shotgun are feeling awfully lonely...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 21:08:00
7225. Who is going to kill to steal vehicles? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Jadd Hatchen wrote: DeadlyAztec11 wrote: Anyone? I shant lie, I may very well attempt to *ahem* "appropriate" allied vehicles. Do not blame me, I will only do it because I want to! "Breach" HAV's, here I come! Please please do th...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 21:06:00
7226. Who is going to kill to steal vehicles? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Mdog 24158 wrote: Damn...... Dont take my python I do not want to kill you, but my Plasma Cannon can be a tad bit loose. And if you so happen to leave your ship unattended due to any unfortunate accident, just be well in the thought that I ...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 20:46:00
7227. The ultimate griefing tool. - in General Discussions [original thread]
My thoughts exactly
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 20:39:00
7228. Who is going to kill to steal vehicles? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Anyone? I shant lie, I may very well attempt to *ahem* "appropriate" allied vehicles. Do not blame me, I will only do it because I want to! "Breach" HAV's, here I come!
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 20:37:00
7229. Be Careful what you wish for. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Sigberct Amni wrote: Just bury the number on the character page. The EOM screen would have no number, just a huge flashy green sign that says "Bonus SP remaining! YAY!" The little SP spinner would show how much bonus they got that round as it d...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 20:17:00
7230. PS3 sent for repairs (again) - in General Discussions [original thread]
If you give me ISK I solemnly swear to destroy tanks with extreme prejudice. ;)
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 01:29:00
7231. I realized something about heavies - in General Discussions [original thread]
calvin b wrote: Kane Fyea wrote: What about all the other races heavies? They like most have to be the great pretenders and keep up with the Joneses. So they pad there suit like a pre-pubescent girl just before the spring dance. You B...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 01:26:00
7232. How many Forge gunners does it take to kill a tank? - in General Discussions [original thread]
An RPG-7 with a Tandem HEAT round can disable a modern tank with one round. That is a 40 year attack that defeats 10 year-old defenses. Most modern tanks are facing off against people with old as crap tech. It is the equivalent of trying to destr...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.03 01:24:00
7233. red line rail tanks - in General Discussions [original thread]
Redline tanking is going to be 5x worse in 1.7. Particularly for Dropships.
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.02 23:17:00
7234. Matchmaking is making money for CCP - in General Discussions [original thread]
Tell you how? It is simple, really, They just both search for a battle in the same category at the same time. Also, matchmaking does not exist.
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.02 23:06:00
7235. Never have I been so confused- mail recieved - in General Discussions [original thread]
Luna Angelo wrote: Rich o wrote: Got following message from a STB-Member:"Skill beats your noob speed straffing everytime. Get good scrub" I was running my 320 HP scout. Needs a lot of skill to take a scout down, especially with AA STB h...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.02 20:23:00
7236. When you mistake Justin Beiber for a girl... - in The Locker Room [original thread]
TechMechMeds wrote: DeadlyAztec11 wrote: Me and Dad in the car, hear music on the radio. Dad: This song is pretty good! Who's the chick singing it? Me: ... Dad: What? Me: It's Justin Beiber. Dad: ;_; ~Not even eye contact~ ~10 min...
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.02 20:12:00
7237. Pilot Suit 1.7 - in General Discussions [original thread]
I am going to use it as my AV suit.
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.02 19:31:00
7238. WiReD: 10 Guns, Bombs, and Weapons You Can Build at the Airport - in The Locker Room [original thread]
I remember when I used to make improvised weapons... But those were different times, aye comrade?
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.02 19:29:00
7239. Sleek grenades not doing damage - in Technical Support/Bugs [original thread]
Despite having the biggest range, sleek grenades fail to do any damage beyond 2m or so; their range is suppose to be 9m. So instead, the grenade acts like a low tier M8. It doesn't happen all the time, just occasionally. Please fix.
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.02 14:07:00
7240. [Request] ADV and PRO Sleek Grenades - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Proto Sleek grenade SOONGäó.
- by DeadlyAztec11 - at 2013.12.02 12:03:00
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