Doshneil Antaro
Sanmatar Kelkoons Minmatar Republic
Posted - 2013.05.02 21:41:00 -
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Let me first start of by going over my roots in first person shooters and their progression. First game I played multiplayer as first person was James Bond Golden Eye on the N64. My cousin picked up the sniper rifle, ran to the back of this hallway with only one way in. i walked around the corner, and blam, I'm dead. Respawn, rinse and repeat. Next Comes the game Unreal tournament on the PC, my first MMO FPS. Epic, weapons were balanced, and no notable sniper moments ever come to mind on this game. I then moved on to the Delta Force series. This was the first modern combat style game I came across that I liked. At this time I had not yet joined the military, but may have helped influence me to join later. My first game, I load in, see my team mates running in front of me, so I follow, 3 seconds later, I am struck down by a sniper hidden in the hill line. Once again...respawn, rinse and repeat. A few games later this pattern would continue, with maybe 1-2 kills per game, but I sure was raking up the deaths! After I got the feel for the controls, I realized something must be done about these guys! Camper was not a term yet coined, so I referred to them as the guys too scared to actually fight, mixed with many curse words of course. A clear pattern began to happen. Both teams spawn, run straight from their spawn straight towards the enemies. people accept the snipers, and just tried to outrun them while they tried to confront the ground fighting forces. I did not accept this myself, and wondered what would happen if I ran backwards, then to the far edges of the map? Would it be possible to sneak up on these 25-0 perfect kdr super stars? I tried it, and it worked too well. I found there blind spots with little trial an error, and began to hunt and kill nothing but these sniper pussycats. I even started to troll (yet another term not yet used) on those snipers. I would go prone, crawl through them with my knife in hand (there was no hit detection for players when they were both prone). They would see my hands in front of there face, hand clinching my blade. Panic ensues on there part. I just go back to the kneeling position and knife lunge. Over the years I look for possible sniper locations, memorize, and use this knowledge to try to avoid their kill zones, and use the info to flank and kill them, bringing me my true euphoric experience I crave from FPS, kill kitten pussycats snipers. |

Doshneil Antaro
SVER True Blood Unclaimed.
Posted - 2013.05.17 07:43:00 -
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Jay Westen wrote:I see these posts a lot. I never really understood why so much hate for snipers. I started dust as a sniper, I talked to some other 'career sniper' after playing since closed beta up till uprising release as a sniper I have to say, 90% of 'snipers' suck. Most don't move from their original hide and if they get several kills from it tend to run right back after they're killed, or are to busy scoped in to realize they just got shot. And rarely you see a sniper in the top spot in a match. Setting weak counter sniper role easily takes care of red liners. I do agree people who redline don't deserve the moniker of sniper. I do have respect for the few real snipers, my anger is mostly caused by those that you described.
p.s. sorry for the great wall, I don't recall writing this up, as I was drinking and forum ranting. |