Badgerr Rager wrote:I find this soooo entertaining that I actually read and reply to all of this on my phone while I'm at school and work. And are you going to be one of those people who tries to find where I live so you can beat me up.. You won't do it.. And I respect people who fight for MY country. Other ones I am still on the fence about. Also while you may think I am 'surprised' about people voicing, but I am really not surprised at all. If I didn't think this was going to happen do you think I would have said anything at all? Are you not aware how I am dragging this all out of you? It amazes me how easy it is to get people all worked up over nothing

and that is exactly what is wrong with society and people today. Everyone is too sensitive. Ya'll should grow a pair and never let comments affect you. It is just words. But I mean if words affect you this much than you should not play video games, work, interact with anyone really because someone is going to say something hurtful to you and if you cry like a little btch everytime than how will you ever get through life as the world goes into more and more choas.. Go sit in the corner and think what it means to "man up" and not care what people think or say.. Until than though, like I have said in a previous post, I will continue to sit back and read all your comments and laugh.. I am a heartless S. O. B
Its you and people like you why the Dust 514 community is in the toilet. You brag to us how you find everything so entertaining and what does that say about you? The reality that you get you jollies laughing at others shows just how little of a man you are.
Your opinion that people should not be so sensitive and man up and not let words bother them is from a place of ignorance within yourself. All we have in life are words and body language. Think back to your formative years when that one girl you really liked would have nothing to do with you. Her body language hurt, her words hurt and her overall lack of interest hurt. Imagine an application you've put in to a business you really wanted to work at and the managers hollow words bummed you out, body language was off putting and you didn't have a good feeling you would get that job.
You don't seem to understand life and I partly blame your parents for not teaching you better and yourself for choosing the easier, less hard work intensive path of being a d!ckwad instead of someone who is polite and respectable and uplifts other people.
My discourse on this should make you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach because in this life, all we have are each other. You may not understand that but I am just as important to you as you are to me. Are we friends? No. Are we family? No. Will we be getting each other a birthday gift? No.
But in the rollercoaster that is life, you are part of my day and I am now part of yours as you read this. These instances make your life.
Remove me from the equation and examine what else you would be doing now. Who produced or made capable what you would be doing without me and without you reading this passage right now? What if that person was gone? What would you be doing then?
As you strip away each and every person and their contribution to your life, you find that without other people you would be nothing and lonely and probably on the brink of insanity. So people are important to you...and you are in dire need of them same as I and same as everyone else.
So to be a real "man" and really "man-up" is to take the scarier route and just be nice to people dude. A real man doesn't feel the need to put others down in order to make himself feel big and feel confident and in the are acting like a child and treating others to your ignorance.
I'll pray for you, my foreign friend. I'll hope for you. I'll have faith for you and when you get older and you're having this conversation with your son, your nephews or some guy on a forum board for a video game....I hope you'll remember this discourse I have written you today and you'll see the error that was your way.
I'm not going to be brash and insult you and tell you to man up and be a real man...but it might behoove you to Google what it takes to be a real alpha male and/or look at examples of great men around you and in your life that can carry the torch for you and be a good role model.