Good Blog and nice to get confirmation that these weapon will in fact be ready to deploy with the 1.7 update.
I think my biggest issue is not with these weapons but with the Damage Profile chart included in the piece. I have always felt that there is not enough differentiation in a particular weapon's effectiveness against shields and armor. Each racial variant is suppose to have noticeable characteristics that make it more or less ideal depending on the fitting of your opponent. For instance, laser is more effective against shield than armor, while explosives is just the opposite.
Yet when you are actually in the game using these weapons, the differences in effectiveness are hardly noticed. Lasers seem to cut through armor like butter. Explosives blast through shields with ease. This makes each weapon feel less unique and ultimately dismisses any real need for choice by removing any guess-work because the pluses and minuses for each weapon are arbitrary.
Changes should be made help make the benefits or handicaps of a weapon feel more pronounced. One way is by increasing the gap in damage profile percentages. Here are some examples:
- Hybrid (Plasma) - Shield +10% / Armor -20%
- Hybrid (Railgun) - Shield -20% / Armor +10%
- Projectile - Shield -30% / Armor +15%
- Laser - Shield +20% / Armor -35%
- Explosive - Shield -35% / Armor +20%
The above percentages would probably give each weapon a more niche feeling and encourage players to be more selective in both their custom fittings and engagements. It would also promote teamwork since players using different weapons can work together to bring down an enemy more efficiently.
Another option would be to adjust individual weapon proficiency skills to affect damage output differently against shields and armor. For example, increased proficiency into Scrambler Rifles would give the added damage bonus of 2% per level to Shields but it would cause a 1% damage loss to armor as well.
These types of changes make the weapon capabilities more distinct. It also might help remedy current issues with quick TTK that improvements in aiming and hit detection have caused. It reduces damage output to all weapons in some capacity but is not a full nerf to all of a weapon's performance capability.
Comments welcome