Statistics for thread
Why does revive still count as death?
General statistics  
Total posts 84
First post 2013-02-08 20:58:00
Last post 2013-04-29 20:29:00
Duration 80 days (active period), 4331 days (since first post)
Daily average 1,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 51 558
Longest post Garrett Blacknova (2563 characters, posted 2013-02-09 17:31:00)
Average post length 613,8 chars/post
Unique authors 42
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Beld Errmon 9 (10,7%)
Sloth9230 5 (6,0%)
Captain Save-a-Hoe 4 (4,8%)
Alaika Arbosa 4 (4,8%)
dabest2evadoit7 4 (4,8%)
Skihids 3 (3,6%)
Shijima Kuraimaru 3 (3,6%)
Veigar Mordekaiser 3 (3,6%)
trollsroyce 3 (3,6%)
Mister0Zz 3 (3,6%)
Ner'Zul Nexhawk 3 (3,6%)
crazy space 1 3 (3,6%)
Alan-Ibn-Xuan Al-Alasabe 3 (3,6%)
Garrett Blacknova 3 (3,6%)
Full Metal Kitten 2 (2,4%)
Kwik Draw 2 (2,4%)
Martin0 Brancaleone 2 (2,4%)
zeek1227 zeek1227 1 (1,2%)
Ydubbs81 RND 1 (1,2%)
Superluminal Replicant 1 (1,2%)
slystylz vassar 1 (1,2%)
Sgt S-Laughter 1 (1,2%)
Rugman91 1 (1,2%)
Razor Risen 1 (1,2%)
Mobius Wyvern 1 (1,2%)
Mendov Ishenko 1 (1,2%)
Marston VC 1 (1,2%)
LXicon 1 (1,2%)
Chibi Andy 1 (1,2%)
John Surratt 1 (1,2%)
James Thraxton 1 (1,2%)
gbghg 1 (1,2%)
Fornacis Fairchild 1 (1,2%)
Forlorn Destrier 1 (1,2%)
DJINN leukoplast 1 (1,2%)
Deskalkulos Ildigan 1 (1,2%)
Buzzwords 1 (1,2%)
Boxoffire 1 (1,2%)
Bojo The Mighty 1 (1,2%)
Baal Roo 1 (1,2%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 30 (35,7%)
Amarr Empire 12 (14,3%)
Legacy Rising 12 (14,3%)
CRONOS. 7 (8,3%)
Gallente Federation 4 (4,8%)
The Revenant Order 4 (4,8%)
Zombie Ninja Space Bears 4 (4,8%)
Test Friends Please Ignore 3 (3,6%)
Minmatar Republic 2 (2,4%)
Unclaimed. 2 (2,4%)
Caldari State 1 (1,2%)
League of Infamy 1 (1,2%)
RISE of LEGION 1 (1,2%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 1 (1,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Tal-Romon Legion 9 (10,7%)
Tritan-Industries 6 (7,1%)
Reaper Galactic 5 (6,0%)
Better Hide R Die 4 (4,8%)
Cyberdyne Systems and Technology 4 (4,8%)
Matari Combat Research and Manufacture Inc. 4 (4,8%)
Seraphim Initiative. 4 (4,8%)
ZionTCD 4 (4,8%)
Codex Troopers 3 (3,6%)
Planetary Response Organisation 3 (3,6%)
Royal Uhlans 3 (3,6%)
Talos Incorporated 3 (3,6%)
WarRavens 3 (3,6%)
Maphia Clan Corporation 2 (2,4%)
Sanmatar Kelkoons 2 (2,4%)
Sinq Laison Gendarmes 2 (2,4%)
SVER True Blood 2 (2,4%)
Traitors Function 2 (2,4%)
Ahrendee Mercenaries 1 (1,2%)
BetaMax. 1 (1,2%)
Blitzkrieg Co. 1 (1,2%)
Bojo's School of the Trades 1 (1,2%)
Celtic Anarchy 1 (1,2%)
CrimeWave Syndicate 1 (1,2%)
Dead Six Initiative 1 (1,2%)
Deadly Blue Dots 1 (1,2%)
Deep Space Republic 1 (1,2%)
Hellstorm Inc 1 (1,2%)
Isuuaya Tactical 1 (1,2%)
Kat 5 Kaos 1 (1,2%)
L.O.T.I.S. 1 (1,2%)
Lost-Legion 1 (1,2%)
Ostrakon Agency 1 (1,2%)
RestlessSpirits 1 (1,2%)
Subdreddit 1 (1,2%)
The Exemplars 1 (1,2%)
Villore Sec Ops 1 (1,2%)

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