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161. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
god needs to club crunchyroll to fix their ps4 app. yeah, i know, i could go get another hdmi cable and hook it up to the laptop and then to the tv, but that is annoying. so god clubbed seals yesterday as i could not watch the update of denki gai,...
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.13 18:44:00
162. plants vs zombies garden warfare - in The Locker Room [original thread]
One Eyed King wrote: Man is this game fun. It took a good 2 days to download, and its kind of annoying that when your first 2 downloads complete, its only half way there, and the rest is downloaded in game, and it doesn't show on your download...
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.13 18:41:00
163. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Every day you do not watch anime; God clubs a seal.
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.12 15:56:00
164. plants vs zombies garden warfare - in The Locker Room [original thread]
TechMechMeds wrote: soulreaper73 wrote: TechMechMeds wrote: soulreaper73 wrote: One Eyed King wrote: Nice! I purchased it online when I saw the PSX Keynote but I have yet to download it. I am glad to hear it is worth the download. ...
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.10 22:25:00
165. plants vs zombies garden warfare - in The Locker Room [original thread]
TechMechMeds wrote: soulreaper73 wrote: One Eyed King wrote: Nice! I purchased it online when I saw the PSX Keynote but I have yet to download it. I am glad to hear it is worth the download. even if you have a crappy game on that game...
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.10 15:04:00
166. My GF - in The Locker Room [original thread]
I am so old, I can not remember. It was probably something on the commodore 64.
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.09 15:08:00
167. [Destiny] Who else will be online tonight for Dark Below? - in The Locker Room [original thread]
I am on the fence about it. Sadly, most of my bros are still primarily Destiny players, so I have may have to get the DLC. Who knows? Maybe the new content will freshen up the game for a little while. I think I would still rather play plants vs zo...
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.09 15:06:00
168. plants vs zombies garden warfare - in The Locker Room [original thread]
One Eyed King wrote: Nice! I purchased it online when I saw the PSX Keynote but I have yet to download it. I am glad to hear it is worth the download. even if you have a crappy game on that game, you just do not find yourself getting angry....
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.09 15:00:00
169. plants vs zombies garden warfare - in The Locker Room [original thread]
the free download has passed. i still recommend the game though. It has a healthy online community and should be available cheap.
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.08 15:05:00
170. plants vs zombies garden warfare - in The Locker Room [original thread]
It is free to download on PS4 for a couple of days. Limited time only though. You folks should try it out. I am having a blast with it.
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.08 15:01:00
171. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Jynx'D wrote: soulreaper73 wrote: sweet! nice site. i never knew there was a third season of chuunibyou. lmao, there isn't, probably just an announcement post. alas, the rikka wars was just a special ova type episode
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.05 23:16:00
172. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
sweet! nice site. i never knew there was a third season of chuunibyou.
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.05 01:22:00
173. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
engaged to the unidentified
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.12.04 11:23:00
174. What are you reading? - in The Locker Room [original thread]
See Spot Run
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.11.25 16:12:00
175. good manners - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Your response to him should have been to tell him to eat a snickers
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.11.23 14:27:00
176. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Jynx'D wrote: ***WARNING: WATCH THIS SHOW AT OWN PERIL. ****** So I watched a show considered taboo here in the States - Kokomo No Jikan. If you don't know about this show - it reigns as king of the loli perverts. And it deserves that title ...
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.11.23 14:21:00
177. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
i am still waiting for the final heaven's lost property movie to get a us release.
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.11.21 15:08:00
178. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Cass Caul wrote: I-Shayz-I wrote: Foundation Seldon wrote: Dropped it when Esdeath started going for the MCs ****. Up until that part in the show there had been relatively no "fanservice" at all. I brought a girl over one night and...
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.11.19 21:44:00
179. List of good animes - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Ok otakus you folks are slacking. post some anime topics.
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.11.18 21:08:00
180. Roe vs. Wade - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Row row row your boat, gently down the shore.
- by soulreaper73 - at 2014.11.16 17:07:00
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