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1361. Thoughts on hipfire? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Find the exact center of your cross hairs....HMG sights do this nicely. Put a red dot on your tv where that point is. Then fire in bursts rather then holding the button down. note: I do neither of these things...i am just theorizing.
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.08 02:57:00
1362. So am I missing something, or was aiming perfectly fine in Chromosome? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Cruor Abominare wrote: Nguruthos IX wrote: It was the change this game needed. Now you see people running in groups and playing tactically rather than just assault sniping everyone from the pipes. The irony here is that controlling the...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.08 01:47:00
1363. AR range and the Mouse vs DS3 debate - in General Discussions [original thread]
Happy Violentime wrote: 50 metres ain't long range dude. I can throw rocks that far.... But could you hit a moving target at max range with at least 5 levels in sharpshooter using an AR before uprising using a DS3? Anyway i agree. I want a ...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.08 01:40:00
1364. What it is like to be a new player in Uprising. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Free Beers wrote: there is a reason no one has coined the phrase "bitter noob". There are also many more noobs trying the game and saying "**** this ****" and just deleting it and not taking the time to post about it. So thanks for your threa...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.08 01:31:00
1365. AR range and the Mouse vs DS3 debate - in General Discussions [original thread]
This is a survey to test a theory. Does the AR long range debate spring from the mouse vs DS3 debate? Are there DS3 Players who can hit moving targets at long range? If not this may explain a lot. Please state which side of the range debate yo...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.08 01:06:00
1366. What it is like to be a new player in Uprising. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Quote: I have played FPS for many years now Ever seen a viable FPS where the rifles can't shoot farther then 30 meters?
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.08 00:58:00
1367. I had it with these Monkey fighting UPRISING Hate thread in this Monday-to-Frida... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Quote: I am very tired with this forums itself. Maybe just maybe the complaints that bother you so much have merit. Note: CCP has admitted that mouse and keyboard controls are bugged. Note2: We had a whole range of range combat...from clo...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.08 00:04:00
1368. So apparently I might be wrong to like Uprising... - in General Discussions [original thread]
And we have another advocate for sword fights with guns. Go download chivalry from steam already.
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 23:56:00
1369. so everythings been ****ed up... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Jeeps drive better.
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 23:53:00
1370. So, the game is "futuristic" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Dazereth the 2nd wrote: Konohamaru Sarutobi wrote: But weapons have iron sights, and you can drop a granade farther than the range of a pistol, AR or a HMG. What a intelligent concept Agreed, my AR has less range than my milita, unskilled ...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 23:52:00
1371. The range of fun. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Rainn Ender wrote: not a troll, but i'm not talking about player versus player combat either. so yeah, nobody wants pve to affect pvp... but while everybody cries and protests against playing this build there are plenty of players enjoying Upr...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 22:48:00
1372. Dear Dust doomsayers, - in General Discussions [original thread]
TheAmazing FlyingPig wrote: EVE celebrated its 10th year anniversary a little while back. Yours truly, Flame Bait. How is World of Darkness doing?
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 22:33:00
1373. 3398 people in dust - in General Discussions [original thread]
Xerics wrote: [quote=BOZ MR][quote=General Tiberius1] too bad there isnt anything good to say about it anymore. Jeep physics are better....that is something right?
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 22:25:00
1374. was DUST Beta just a giant CCP troll? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Keyser Soze VerbalKint wrote: lots of money made, CCP has not made any profit from Dust...they are in the red with DUST, guaranteed.
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 22:14:00
1375. For a change - WHO LIKES the new DUST? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Sycophant EvE players who want a FPS that plays itself remotely and allows their Gear and SP to carry them rather then actually getting good at an FPS. That is who likes the changes.
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 21:55:00
1376. CCP is pushing CQC Hard! Did it work? - in General Discussions [original thread]
DeadlyAztec11 wrote: Taking away sharpshooter and nerfing most of the weapons range, was probably done in an effort to promote CQC. Do you like the direction they are heading with this?
Do you think it is working
If not what should, ...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 21:44:00
1377. Mouse Controls Are (Officialy) Off - in General Discussions [original thread]
Crazed Capitalist wrote: ZiwZih wrote: CCP Nothin just confirmed that mouse controls are not working as intended. Quote: 04:43<[CCP]nothin>: the KBM has some issues that we're aware of 04:43<[CCP]nothin>: we found a pretty se...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 21:35:00
1378. Dust playerbase is harsh. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Baneus Secundi wrote: Orin the Freak wrote: DarkMaximos wrote: Well this is a f2p game so you'll see a lot of this. Time is money. Hate to break it to you, but in some way, we are all invested. And what other form of meaningless ent...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 21:23:00
1379. Dust playerbase is harsh. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Chojine Dentetsu wrote: If we really want them to fix things overnight, how about we all pay -ú5 month, to CCP? The current game would get zero people playing it if it was a 5$ subscription game...and i say that as someone who spent $20 on...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 21:10:00
1380. Mouse & Keyboard Control Issues since Uprising Build - in General Discussions [original thread]
trollsroyce wrote: Not working. Biggest let down from any game I have ever gotten during 25 years of games. I bought a ps3 for this after playing chromosome with kbm - all for nothing, it seems. I'm frankly so pissed I need to reflect why the ...
- by hooc order - at 2013.05.07 20:48:00
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