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41. Why can't this just be COD? - in General Discussions [original thread]
You only call it tank spam because any vehicle that is not a logistics LAV have been an endangered species for 5-6 months. Vehicles should be a vital part of every match not the novelty they were relegated to for so long.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.23 01:16:00
42. Why can't this just be COD? - in General Discussions [original thread]
The forums are a cesspit of infantile rage as usual. But if you step back as a veteran of closed beta it does not take a great leap of reasoning to see this is the best Dust has EVER been.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.23 01:07:00
43. Tanks are ruining this game - in General Discussions [original thread]
I've been away for awhile but are people really still taking the dark cloud seriously?
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.23 00:49:00
44. The Laser Rifle is dead. - in General Discussions [original thread]
This is news? That poor gun has been in the dirt for awhile now.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.20 22:29:00
45. Oh i want this large Socket - in General Discussions [original thread]
It boggles the mind that they have all these assets sitting idle like that.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.20 22:18:00
46. Does anyone know how the win/loss ratio is calculated? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Yeah you are probably right there, no it does not list their wins. I was hoping there was something I missing. I looked at the leaderboards for the first time today since the patch and had to do a double take on some of the numbers I was seeing.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.20 22:16:00
47. Does anyone know how the win/loss ratio is calculated? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Seriously have you guys looked at the leaderboards? I'm stumped as to how a player with 50 some kills has a W/L of 12,000 or more. Some one enlighten me please.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.20 21:57:00
48. So many Soma scrubs so little time, - in General Discussions [original thread]
No worries I will continue to throw away Somas with reckless abandon. Because it is 60k isk and on top of that it is fun. My little Soma that could has knocked over a couple of incompetent maddy pilots who always seem to panic the moment they see ...
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.13 22:22:00
49. Scanners don't work on scouts - in General Discussions [original thread]
As far as I've been able to tell you can still get the "Some margin of error." message if the two numbers are relatively close. But scouts can straight up beat the scanner now and that is awesome.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.13 15:33:00
50. Dear Devs: These are the change you need to make right now to not loose many pla... - in General Discussions [original thread]
I feel I'm not alone in thinking this is the best Dust has been in a long time. Vehicles are fun again dropships and tanks both. I think seeing more than one in a match is a good thing (mlt fuel injector withstanding). It's good to see FW fleshed ...
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.13 00:09:00
51. FF and grenade spam - in General Discussions [original thread]
My 800,000 sp minmatar militia alt is not even carrying grenades presently, but I'm far from typical. The answer is yes(mostly) from what I've seen.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.12 16:59:00
52. Who has Forgiven a FF Incident? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Color me sympathetic but I haven't hit the punish button unless it was obvious maliciousness or spectacular stupidity that caused my death. There are enough people getting the 24 hour ban hammer on account of bugs.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.12 15:51:00
53. Fitting organization: subcategorization? - in General Discussions [original thread]
This has been suggested in the past. I would still like to see it happen.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.12 02:19:00
54. HAV mistake? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I'm loving this please don't make ccp fix it just yet. 60,000 isk Soma's are great fun.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.11 11:57:00
55. Flux > Locus - in General Discussions [original thread]
This is not news to anyone who has been around awhile.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.09 18:07:00
56. Matari Commando Photo Discovered on CGHub - in General Discussions [original thread]
Hmmm So that is what a heavies clone looks like underneath.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.09 16:10:00
57. Fear... - in General Discussions [original thread]
I won't lie I'm looking forward to seeing vehicles matter beyond just demolition derby LAV's everywhere. Even if it does mean watching Aldin do laps around Skim Junction like we did 6 months ago.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.12.09 15:46:00
58. To: All Immortals - in General Discussions [original thread]
Of course we would be if there was any real indication that such a thing is possible we don't have one single solitary interior battlefield in the game assets we've seen. Unless Tibus Heth intends for this siege to last a month or more, I don't re...
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.06.12 13:27:00
59. Server goes down for reboot mid pc match. - in General Discussions [original thread]
What happens? Does the district get reset, clones included? Does our opponent get their window to attack again? Team players I hope we get a real match soon when we are not struggling to get our team back online after the server has a stroke.
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.06.12 03:07:00
60. Breaking news, heth has shown up - in General Discussions [original thread] Update. Caldari Navy has withdrawn from the area and Heths insurgents control at least 3 full decks of the station. This man ha...
- by arimal lavaren - at 2013.06.10 22:39:00
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