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5741. Haters be hating - in General Discussions [original thread]
Hector Carson wrote: Hello everyone. I just want to go ahead say that this game is awesome, and that I can't wait till 1.9. Also, for all those dumbasses out there, back the **** off with stating info that has been repeated ad nauseum. Quit st...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.20 03:33:00
5742. some help with an assignment - in The Locker Room [original thread]
What is the scope of your assignment? Also, No. 5 is unclear. Platform as in gaming rig? Pc/ps/xbox etc?
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.20 01:03:00
5743. You STUPID HMGer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - in General Discussions [original thread]
This is quite annoying. Though I actually had the opposing knifer apologize for his teammate ruining our fun.
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.20 00:55:00
5744. Petition for CCP to care about Petitions - in General Discussions [original thread]
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.19 23:17:00
5745. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
@ Cross I guess my biggest problem with No. 1 is that they simply stated things the wrong way. Their problem wasn't dissemination of info, it was the way that information was presented. They could easily not have made promises, and said these a...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.19 21:15:00
5746. Nova Knifers, let's put our heads together - in General Discussions [original thread]
Hidden Blender.
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.19 20:57:00
5747. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
mollerz wrote: Dude is 100 pages back! That was what happened the last time I got a like from him! Then I still didn't see him. I admire his dedication though.
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.18 22:10:00
5748. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
hfderrtgvcd wrote: dafuq is up with all these randoms? They didn't even introduce themselves Now you know how we felt when Rattati first started coming here. At least on occasion there are people that are willing to interact with us honestly...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.18 20:35:00
5749. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Appia Nappia wrote: Spademan wrote: I got mah stats back from Scotsman: Assisted Kills:3458 Assisted Kills in a Vehicle:294 Deaths:5425 Kills:7323 Losses:535 Objects hacked:1183 Suicides:111 Wins:657 Spademan logon count: 447 Total logon ti...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.18 00:39:00
5750. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Spademan wrote: I got mah stats back from Scotsman: Assisted Kills:3458 Assisted Kills in a Vehicle:294 Deaths:5425 Kills:7323 Losses:535 Objects hacked:1183 Suicides:111 Wins:657 Spademan logon count: 447 Total logon time for all three charac...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.18 00:37:00
5751. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
Appia Nappia wrote: *sigh* writer's block again one of the projects i'm working on is up to 20k words. I've revised it so many times it would be a huge 100k word pile of crap if I didn't re-do so much of it. Now I can't progress or improve on...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.18 00:29:00
5752. eWAR in 1.9 //: Reducing binary nature - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Spademan wrote: Gavr1lo Pr1nc1p wrote: Spademan wrote: I'd just like to say that one thing I'd love to add to the proposal is for passive scans to be pulsed rather than constant. Eh, idk. Depends on the rate of pulsation This is more ...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.18 00:14:00
5753. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
gustavo acosta wrote: I'll post this here even though I hate this thread with every fiber of my being... First off, I suggest rounding your ...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.17 23:41:00
5754. Is 1.9 getting an Uplink re-work? - in General Discussions [original thread]
1.9 isn't the end all be all. There will still be opportunities for hot fixes. We are getting lots of cool stuff like maps and NPC market! Be patient and look for the positive things we are already getting man!
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.17 22:59:00
5755. 114 Notifications... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Joel II X wrote: Likes don't give out SP or ISK so they don't matter much. Not here the don't
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.17 22:52:00
5756. Playing dust via Xbox one, sorta - in General Discussions [original thread]
Apothecary Za'ki wrote: One Eyed King wrote: Apothecary Za'ki wrote: Heimdallr69 wrote: The only problem is its a bit slower but still very playable while using snap on Xbox one as you can see I can do other th...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.17 22:51:00
5757. Playing dust via Xbox one, sorta - in General Discussions [original thread]
CommanderBolt wrote: One Eyed King wrote: CommanderBolt wrote: Why on earth would anyone buy one of those new xbox one`s? Both the PC and the PS4 are both superior and in the case of the PS4 it is a lot cheaper as well right? What legacy...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.17 22:24:00
5758. Playing dust via Xbox one, sorta - in General Discussions [original thread]
CommanderBolt wrote: Why on earth would anyone buy one of those new xbox one`s? Both the PC and the PS4 are both superior and in the case of the PS4 it is a lot cheaper as well right? What legacy does xbox have? Halo? Is that it? Playstation ...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.17 22:15:00
5759. Scout Registry / Killboard - in General Discussions [original thread]
KILL3R H3LLH0UND wrote: Just thinking here... What will it take for me to get on that scout board on the first page of barber shop? I've been running scout all the time for the last year and a half, (24/25 fits are scouts). I have all scouts a...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.17 22:13:00
5760. Playing dust via Xbox one, sorta - in General Discussions [original thread]
Apothecary Za'ki wrote: Heimdallr69 wrote: The only problem is its a bit slower but still very playable while using snap on Xbox one as you can see I can do other things while playing weather it's watching p0rn or Ne...
- by One Eyed King - at 2014.10.17 21:11:00
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