Sinboto Simmons wrote:Oh I know the amount of hate coming my way but I'll keep on trying to improve this game regardless of haw many assault players get in my way just as I have before and just as I'll do in the future.
Below I'm going to list some things to help balance the Gallente AR as it is too effective at multiple situations, mind you that not
all of these should be put in place as that would be more akin to a nerf rather then balance.
1: Overheating mechanic: considering the weapon that shoots white hot plasma doesn't overheat (despite having the visuals for it) and has a 60 round clip it give a major advantage against weapons like say the Scrambler Rifle and the HMG in this regard because of it's lack of a downside in this area.
2: 60 rounds is unnecessary: Having used all variants of the AR in all tiers I can honestly say the high amount of ammo in the clip is unnecessary for some types of the weapon (excluding a few that I'm not going to bother listing here) a reduction to the clip size by 20 rounds (leaving it at 40 for the standard AR) still more then enough to put down a target.(if you can aim)
More ideas as I wake up

okay first off the ar where to start i agree highly with most peoples statements the ar is the go to gun its reliable in med to close range combat while also having the ability to shot at long ranges with deadly accuracy if you need a education on the ar look up specs for the m16 one of the most trusted reliable and cheap guns in use next to the ak
the ar is the fps trademark along with pistols sub machine guns grenades and rocket launchers thus these weapons are the fall to
now that said dust did something most fps games don't do they break the ar into 3 guns full auto burst and single fire most fps games give this as an option to the same gun making the ar have different game play
now with that being said since it is the go to gun of choice most people scream nerf change this change that when really this gun needs to be newbie friendly as its the first gun people pick up even look at all the new players suits they come with the ar and pistol or ar and sub machine gun
the higher level of ar the higher the dispersion is so until fully speced into ar skills the higher tier ar inst as good as some of the lower tier versions
i over all believe the ar is perfectly balanced as far as ammo and damage is concerned now range can be annoying but that is what the gun is for as it does lose its accuracy at a distance so really to change one of the few things in the game that is actually at where it is posta be is kinda foolish now looking into other guns that need some love and fixing is a far more better use of time
remember just cause you get killed by so many people using an ar its not cause the gun is oped its cause its reliable to use and the other guns aren't try looking at what needs fixing to make other guns just as appealing as the ar and you find alot more diversity in the guns you get killed with also giving maps more diversity to what weapons excel in what areas of the map makes for what guns you will be getting killed by