How about this?
TL;DR: allow more experienced players to enter Instant Battle Academy again, this time as commanders to help and guide new players. No adv & proto gear allowed

Players out of Academy, after meeting certain level of SP/WP will see Instant Battle Academy again in pub battles tab, along regular battles. Additional requirement will be mic present with PPT off. They will be able to join Academy battles in "commander mode".
This will give them ability to issue orders via commander order wheel without range limitation. Additionally commander will be able to instruct her team via mic (thous mic requirement). The commander's mic could not be muted. Any abuse of power, verbal insults by a commander should be made possible to be reported by subordinates after battle. Resulting in some penalties for a commander.
Incentive for a commander:
She will receive, besides her own earned numbers, a SP/WP/ISK payout equal to a remainder of combined numbers for a given stat from all team members above certain level for a given stat.
For simplicity let's assume every team member (commander included) earned equal SP/WP/ISK from the battle: 2000 SP, 300 WP, 100k ISK for each player.
So combined numbers are theese:
16 x 2000 SP = 32k SP
16 x 300 WP = 4800 WP
16 x 100k ISK = 1,6 mil ISK
Let's assume the stats levels for commander payout are as follows:
20k SP
4000 WP
1 mill ISK
All players will receive their 2000 SP, 300 WP, 100k ISK and the commander will additionally receive:
32k SP - 20k SP = 12k SP
4800 WP - 4000 WP = 800 WP
1,6 mil ISK = 1 mill ISK = 600k ISK
Note: any negative numbers for respective payouts would be treated as zero gain
Some subjective vetting/evaluation system by subordinates could be added after battle (a simple screen asking for a score in a range [-5, 5] to give to commander, averaged at the end by a number of teammates minus commander) to influence the stats levels for commander payout (positive evaluation lowers the payout level, negative evaluation rises the payout level, 0 keeps basic level). So commander's performance would factor in the final payout. It will give even more incentive for a commander to actively angage players in the battle and actually help her subordinates to enhance their performance. Commander score could be recorder as another character stat.
This would ease new players introduction into the game by real human assistance augmented by built-in game mechanics and would allow training of future leaders

For Academy only players additional game mode could be introduced: Instant Battle Academy COMM along regular Instant Battle Academy to allow them choice between command and command-less mode.
Maybe some special dropsuit skill would be required for would be commanders as well?
One proposition (not mine) here: for reading so far