User statistics for
The Black Jackal
General statistics  
Total posts 1315 (view posts)
Ranked #449
Likes 1
First post 2012-08-18 02:53:00 (in thread To CCP - Thanks!)
Last post 2016-01-21 01:26:00 (in thread History of Dust.)
Duration 1251 days (active period), 4603 days (since first post)
Daily average 1,1 posts/day (active period), 0,3 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 574 169
Longest post Once you go Black, you just never go back. (CPM1 Candidacy Shout-Out) (6999 characters, posted 2014-01-23 02:19:00)
Average post length 1 197,1 chars/post
Threads started 101
First thread [Suggestions] Yes, there are a few. (Likes: 2)
Last thread Order Sixty-Six (Likes: 56)
Largest thread CSM8 - A Vote for a Larger Universe (258 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
Feedback/Requests 42,13% (554 posts)
General Discussions 27,07% (356 posts)
The Council's Chamber 13,46% (177 posts)
Corporation Recruitment 8,14% (107 posts)
The War Room 2,81% (37 posts)
CPM Campaigns 2,36% (31 posts)
Technical Support/Bugs 2,21% (29 posts)
Announcement and Events 0,91% (12 posts)
The Locker Room 0,46% (6 posts)
Arcurio Square Speakers Corner 0,30% (4 posts)
General Discussions 0,15% (2 posts)

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