TL;DR: QQ more, #getgudscrub, #IMPeffect
I normally prefer to stay in the shadows but it gives me such pleasure to know that my feedback along with support of the community would lead to so much QQ. are the facts
-I claimed a while back to Dark Scrub that CRONOS would fall under its own logistical ineptitude
-I said that this was not a conflict of regions but of Ideology, of PVP vs Carebears. Simply put Carebears ventured too far outside of highsec and appropriately got ganked. Now they expect Concord to intervene.
-CRONOS using its size and early entry into PC took every defensive system they could get their hands on. They then used each others corps to lock on US times while creating a EU buffer on systems that were within acceptable jump range of other systems for corps to use district clone in an effort to force an ISK war.
The caveat here was they relied on a mechanic that was merely put into place for the sole purpose of diminishing the Day 1 Land grab and rapid shift of timers to safe regional times. However it was never necessary because in the end any timer could have been taken back and changed upon a successful takeover. Upon bringing this to CCP's attention they realized they never needed to do what they did and simply corrected their mistake.
-They then tried to use ORION and STB as a meatshield against US corps most of all Negative-Feedback. As a result we did this to you primary meatshield in our space.
#IMPeffectFurthermore your entire premise relies on the notion that a weekend attack can't be mounted to reclaim territory and changed to the timer desired by the attacking corporation, notice how no non-CRONOS corps fear this reality from CRONOS doing the same to them. It's because we don't fear the fight we relish it because in the end we know we can produce results.
In fact your entire post displays exactly why you should have never ventured into PC to begin with, it is also further proof why CCP needs to hurry up with PVE already as you are clearly not meant to be in a PVP environment. Carebears such as yourselves and a great deal of your alliance approached a primarily PVP game like the PVEers that you are. Sorry we don't want Farmville 514 though we aren't opposed to you cleaning our districts of drones when the time comes, perhaps that will be more your speed, and hey you wont have to worry about lag

I will end my knife twisting with simply saying that in this battle of wits you came to the fight unarmed.