Ironwolf is generally bad at PR and should probably stop trying

The original purpose (As explained to us, and you :
HereNova makes nice quotes because people are lazy and don't read, but really he's quoting CCP Dolan wrote:
"Earlier this month the developers for DUST 514 and I sat down with the goal of creating a player advocacy group like the CSM in DUST 514. We came to the conclusion that the best group of people to help design the future of this player run organization was the players themselves."
"With this early CSM in mind, I put out the call to some of the most respected members of the DUST 514 community to interview with me so that I could pick 5 of the best representatives to form what we, at that time, called the GÇ£War CouncilGÇ¥, the partner body to the Council of Stellar Management"
This was fairly self explanatory to us, and we went to fanfest reasonably confident and ready to talk about that stuff. At fanfest, CCP let us playtest Uprising for a bit... And our initial reaction was "Man, people are going to love this, there's very little to nitpick about except for the usual balance issues" And then Uprising launched,
and it launched burning with issues and bugs that did not exist at fanfest.
The need for clear action essentially meant our original mandate took a back seat. CCP needed to do damage control, and they needed to know where to do it. Meetings were had, documents and lists were formed, and CCP made a plan for staged hotfixes, presented it to the CPM, and we were mostly satisfied with how CCP was going to turn Uprising around.
If you want to know what the CPM is doing now, this is the best summary:
While format and the formation of a new council temporarily took a back seat because of the emergencies surrounding Uprising, We've been planning to spend time on that very issue very soon. The general mandate of the CPM was never that cut and dry ; CPM1 and beyond is not the only reason we are here. Simply 'giving feedback' is not our job. Passing along the suggestions with the most +1's is not what we do. That is what the forums are for, and the CCP Community team watches those for a reason.
When serious issues arise, it does fall on us to make sure CCP is not only aware of those issues, but have all possible context (And then direct them to appropriate threads if they have not seen them already) In cases like that, we consolidate feedback into documents to bring to meetings.
CCP may occasionally share with us future plans (We're pushing to get them to bring them to the entire playerbase, this 'hush hush' secret crap is doing more harm than good) and this gives us the opportunity to stop them from making huge mistakes before huge rage threadnaughts happen.. This is again, not our primary purpose.
We are here to decide how CPM1 and beyond will be selected and how their communication methods with CCP will proceed. We are also here to make sure CCP knows what they need to in times of dire need. Lastly, we are here to call CCP on their ****.