Heinrich Jagerblitzen wrote:We are pleased to announce that we have just concluded a lengthy meeting with a considerable portion of the Dust514 community and development teams, as well as upper management such as Executive Producer CCP Jian and Creative Director CCP Praetorian.
It was an opportunity not only to cover the the most urgent issues surrounding Uprising's deployment, but also to review the steps that CCP will be taking in the immediate future in order to fix some of the unexpected results that occured from Uprising's migration onto Tranquility. We also discussed many ways that CCP can ensure that you, the players and beta testers, receive more timely and comprehensive information about what exactly is being worked on (and why).
The contents of this meeting are being drafted up for release by CCP CommanderWang and CCP Frame, and will be posted shortly so that the public is in the loop with the CPM and CCP as to what took place. Rest assured this meeting was comprehensive GÇô while the nitty gritty details will be hammered out in the days ahead, everything from general dissatisfaction with item balancing, to input issues, to the frustrations we've all shared with the new skill tree were discussed extensively.
The CPM is satisfied with CCP's timely and focused effort to take care of these issues in the days and weeks ahead, and we expect this to play out here in the forums as well. The CPM was adamant that with increased level of information and clarity, unnecessary noise can be reduced to that the best of your ideas reach the people they need to reach inside the development circle. This is in fact our primary purpose for existing in the first place GÇô if we've done our jobs right, you'll be seeing more from CCP than you have in the past, and have more opportunities to give specific feedback in places you know you'll be heard, and see evidence of this as CCP continues to roll out fixes and updates to the game.
Not everything everyone would like to see will be ready by the 14th, lets be perfectly clear here GÇô but the reason that the CPM asked for this meeting to begin with was to ensure there was both resources and process were in place to take care of the things we've noticed as issues between our Fanfest playtest, and what we've seen since Uprising's initial deployment on Tranquility.
We appreciate everyone's patience while you await further news, but we feel it is important for you to know that the community's concerns are being heard at the highest levels thanks to your representatives on the CPM. We also strongly encourage you to continue to send us your repeatable bugs, balancing advice, and other suggestions for us to use in our talks with CCP in order to expedite the process of improvement.
-The Council of Planetary Management
Heinrich Jagerblitzen
Iron Wolf Saber
Jenza Aranda
Kane Spero
Laurent Cazaderon
Nova Knife