Buster Friently wrote:Skihids wrote:Buster Friently wrote:Do you know you did it? Then you just got personal credit. Why does everyone think that they deserve a cookie for putting one foot in front of the other?
Don't be a fool.
Players need tangible in game rewards for their role or it will cease to be an active role. Without WP's you don't get the ISK necessary to buy your next fitting. If expensive AV fittings don't pay off, they will cease to be fielded. This is what the OP was talking about. Read the post and reflect on it before reflexively regurgitating the HTFU trope.
Actually no, roles do not exist because extrinsic rewards have been put in place.
Roles exist because they're useful. They wax and wane based on usefulness. If the role is useful, that should be good enough.
I swear, I think a lot of gamers think that they are playing the +WP game or the +SP game. Go play click a cow then. The game should be fun to play. IF it isn't, then please leave and play something you enjoy playing.
Collect the achievement isn't a game, sorry.
When you play DUST, you earn a certain amount of something called "ISK" for your performance in battle.
This "ISK" is a currency used to purchase items in game, which are necessary to equip your character effectively in battle.
If you're not getting the full credit for your actions, then you'll be getting much smaller ISK payouts than you should receive based on your performance.
To use a real-world example, lets say there are two guys filling out papers for a company. Lets call them "Greg Iverson" and "Alan Ventner" (I'm sure someone will figure out why I chose those names).
Greg does a whole lot of small jobs, filling out stacks of only 5 pages at a time. Each job takes a very small amount of time, and he can consistently and reliably get through the task from start to finish in a single day. In fact, he sometimes has a little bit of free time to look over and see what Alan is doing.
Alan's duty is to deal with the larger jobs, which consistently have 100+ pages for him to sort through and fill out. He doesn't have to finish each individual job as fast as Greg, because they're longer and more involved, so while he's doing less individual tasks, he's still doing about the same amount of work - maybe a little more. He still gets his work done every day, but often he leaves part of a stack from one evening and finishes it the following morning.
Unfortunately, in spite of having his own work to do, Greg is greedy, and has no respect for Alan. He occasionally slips the last page out of one of Alan's jobs - where the employee is meant to sign their name to show who did the job - and fills that out with his own details, taking credit for Alan's efforts.
Alan thinks to himself, "I know I did the work, and it's keeping the business alive. That's good enough for me" and trucks along comfortably, until his next payday. There's a note with his paycheck that says "Alan, we noticed that Greg has been handling a lot of your work lately. It's unfair that he's been picking up your slack, so we've cut some of your pay and given him a bonus".
But it's ok, because Alan is still doing his part for the team, right?