Ideal cloak implementation IMO is as follows:
-Active scanner/dropsuit scanner detects and decloaks someone and increases cooldown

[Should only make them show up as red dot on minimap]
-Being shot while cloaked decloaks someone and increases cooldown
-Cloak active length is not limited, 10-25s cooldown starts after deactivation

[Cloak activation SHOULD be limited! 15-30 seconds, skill dependant. There should still be a cooldown timer of the length you propose]
-De-activation has a quiet, yet audible noise to alert nearby people who are very alert (Similar to the terrifying hum of charged knives)
-No weapon can be equipped while cloaking; ideally accomplished by making the cloak an equipment piece the player must hold in their hands to use
-Cloak increases scan profile somewhat. Penalty to profile reduced by skill level in cloaking
-Always visual distortion, only amplified to be 'super visible' while sprinting: This is mitigated by being more susceptible to scanners of all varieties. You won't be able to get close to anyone cloaked if they have good/decent scanner modules on their suit, or are using active scanners to look for people. Active scanners should be the direct hard-counter and force people to decloak easily unless a player sacrifices all of their module slots to prevent this.
- Expanding on last point : When facing two max skilled players against each other at close range the scanner should always win. At longer ranges like 50-60m+ the cloaker should win out as the scanner should be less effective.
-Any suit should be able to use the cloak, provided it has equipment slots. Effectiveness and ease of detection is then related to scan profile. IE: The new heavy suit could get a cloak, but getting inside anyone's scan radius would pretty much instantly decloak him because his scan profile is so high

[Scouts MUST have some incentive (other than slightly lower scan profile) to use cloak, in this proposal they would only marginally better than a Logi dropsuit (50 Scan Profile rather than 45). They need to be MUCH better - special ability, greatly reduced CPU, greatly reduced movement penalty, greatly reduced cooldown timer...something of this sort.]
-Getting within extremely close range of another player (5-10m or so) should decloak a person regardless of each player's fit.
-The cloak module should have a very steep melee damage reduction modifier, to prevent people from just running around smacking people with it while they have damage modifiers for melee stacked

[Nah. No melee when cloak activated, plus you decloak when you get it range of someone. If someone wants to bonus melee, let them, interesting gameplay variation - they will still be **** :) ]
-Unable to throw grenades while cloaked (Make up whatever lore you like. Need both hands to power the thing from your suit or something like that.)