Laheon wrote:Ydubbs81 RND wrote:And if they can't give us new content then give us some tentative dates or approximations or something.
They've announced something for around Fanfest. That's been known for a while.
@General: Apologies, I've seen too many of "this game is awful fix it" threads, that they kind of all mold into one complaint.
I also get that you don't need DUST, but DUST needs you. That's what I'm trying to say - you're saying you won't give them money unless they do something you want. It is, in effect, coercion.
It's up to CCP whether to release information or not. They've announced upcoming features, and what they want to be in the game for release. They don't want to be premature in anything else they do, and I can fully understand that.
You do realise that Fox Four meant that as a harmless bit of fun? That CCP enjoys playing practical jokes on people? In fact, go through the first page of this thread. look up the boot.ini. Two very notable events for CCP, in which QA was very important, and two events which show they care very much, and love getting involved with the community.
First, they announced an announcement at fanfest. That is not the same as announcing an update.
Personally, I believe that we won't get an update until the next Eve update, which is on June 4th. Have CCP said anything of the sort? Of course not.
If CCP wants to be secretive, and not give anyone a date, that is their choice. My response is to not give them any more money. I encourage people who feel the same to do the same. Not because I want to hurt CCP, but because I am genuinely concerned about how this lack of information will affect the player base. Because I do understand that for this game to be successful, it needs a large playerbase, and with the current manner in which information is being handled, it will alienate people.
I have people ask me about Dust, about why I play it so much, and what is so good about it. I am getting fed up with trying to explain to them about the potential for the game, only for them to ask me: "Well, when does all that stuff come out?" To which my answer can only be "F'd if I know".
I have a large number of people that I brought into Dust with me. Out of a group of about 50, only 4 are still left playing. With that type of player retention, this game is in for a rough ride. And I really don't want to see that happen. The players are the best form of advertising you could have for this type of title. By keeping them in the dark, you limit their ability to do your marketing for you.
As for Foxfours antics, if CCP wants to play jokes on people, do it after this game has hit 1.0, not before, and certainly not once you have whipped the community into a furor. If you wind them up and then troll them, that is beyond a **** move, it shows blatant disrespect for your customers. I am sure they got a laugh out of it. I hope they did.