Shijima Kuraimaru wrote:From what I've been hearing yes, FF isn't going to be in pub matches, but it still doesn't stop the carebears from whining. And if FF was implemented like 5x Inf is suggesting, there will be a lot of suicide griefing.
CCP has not mentioned FF being in public matches... which is why I made a thread suggesting a way it could be done without ruining Dust.
As for how much suicide griefing there'd be, I'm not sure. But I doubt there'd be "a lot", as even doing it on an alt to avoid the ISK/SP penalty, you'd still make it so that your main character would be walking a fine line during normal gameplay. If you TK a few people for a few games and land right on the borderline, and then go back to play your main character, if you're enough of a ****-up you could end up crossing the line with your main and being temporarily banned.
I don't really think anyone who plays Dust regularly would want to risk it. And I don't think non-Dust players would bother keeping Dust on their HD just to TK a few people a few times once every couple days.
Breakin Stuff wrote:No. try again.
edit: betrayal, backstabbing and screwovers are a longstanding part of the EVE universe, and the EULA reflects it.
And permaban for teamkilling is absolutely dumb. No making the game carebear even when there's no easy mode.
This isn't a thread about betrayal or backstabbing, it's a thread about making FF a regular part of the game without having it be abused. How EVE works doesn't factor into it.
Permaban for repeatedly and maliciously TK'ing people in Instant Battles would be the only way to keep people from doing it incessantly. Without people having their ability to play the game on the line, they'll just switch to an alt character or account and TK as much as they want on a throw-away character.
As I see it, your option is either to have no FF in Instant Battle matches at all, as it is currently, or to be "carebear", as you call it, and have FF in Instant Battles, but make it so that shooting your allies is punishable.
Personally, I prefer FF to no FF. But I guess I'm just a carebear.
Mode Torsen wrote:Decent proposal.
However, it would put additional strain on the servers
Well, every new gameplay feature puts additional strain on the servers. It's not my place to say whether such things are technically feasible, however.
mollerz wrote:All monies are paid to the victim of the TK.
Oops, I left this out. A percentage of the fitting cost should be reimbursed from the TK'er to their victim. Like 50% or so, even though 100% of the cost would be levied as a fine in additional to the regular penalties for simply damaging friendlies.
However, people should not be able to make money off of being TK'd, and in general FF should result in money simply being lost to the ether.