lowratehitman wrote:I know, I know, beating the same old war drum, but hey, was the AR not on the chopping block? Indeed it was,and it was nerfed and put into its place. I am all about being honest with my opinions, and I truly feel the HMG needs to be nerfed once more. In the video link below you can see how easy it is to mow the enemy down in a build that has barely 600k sp invested in it, and not having reps as well. The class truly is just point and click and watch the meat fly,with nearly no skill needed. The class is fun indeed, but having assault as my main, and having near 1.8 mil sp invested in it strictly on the slayer type build, my lower level alt Heavy HMG class makes it look like a waste of time. I do give props to the dedicated Forge gunners, and will say patience and skill is needed for Forge sniping. I understand that alot of people will not agree with me, but I am cool with that, anything I am saying is not a lie, I can say that much for sure...enjoy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW37vsY2NMQ This post and video are pure truth. Excellent commentary too, you sound like a cool dude

We need to make this vid viral amongst the Dust community, I rock an assault suit with an AR 100% of the time, and while I have been shouting for a HMG nerf for quite a while, I never got a front-row seat on what it's actually like (I very briefly played with a HMG a few builds back, but that was it).
But wow, point and click is a perfect way to describe it, as the reticle is quite large. So you simply fit a player in that circle, fire, and they magically disappear. Heavies have massive health, the HMG has loads of ammo, massive magazine capacity, and gets more accurate the longer it is shot?... how could anybody not think this was OP?
As an AR player, I can (and do) get dropped instantly by militia AR's, I get hit a few times from
any weapon and my heath is hurting. As an AR player I pretty much have to be an athlete of epic proportions due to all the bobbing, weaving and strafing I have to do to stay alive (yet still make bullets hit). Not to mention I can't just spray-and-pray, I have to be accurate and make every last bullet count.
Even out of the heavies range it takes almost two clips to take down a decently speced heavy with my GEk and two complex damage mods, and that's if they just stand there and lets me soak bullets into them without running to cover.
I really hope CCP does something to the HMG soon.