Deveshi wrote:Mars El'Theran wrote:Vanda-Kon wrote:I love that people with an active life don't even want no lifers to have the smallest glimpse of reward or happiness. You've got your reward, your full life. Go be busy.
If by full life you mean the requirement to invest most of my time working just to put food on the table and pay the rent, while not having children or even a wife, and not having many friends or the money or time to go out an do things, then I think you've just stuck your foot in your mouth. (i.e: **** off; you don't have a clue what you are talking about)
I'm a firm believer in making your own life. If you aren't happy with your current one then do something about it. At some point in your life you have made some sort of choice that has ended with you being where you are now. It's simple causality.
Many of us on the otherhand made choices in life that we are happy with. These choices allow us to have free time and do the things we enjoy such as play Dust 514.
I see no justifiable reason to damage this game with an SP cap simply because you made poor life choices which you are now clearly regretting.
Thanks again for removing the SP cap Cmdr Wang.
You assume my life choices are poor, and you defend people who claim I have a full life because I work for a living? News Flash: This just in; Working for a living is a poor life choice.

Do you honestly think people can just change their circumstance so easily? Shall I just wave a magic wand and make a good woman appear--who is interested in me--and increase my yearly income to about $90000 so I can afford to have a family and buy a house?
Just fyi, only so many people can earn so much, and there isn't that much money to go around with high paid persons earning enough to provide much better quality of living for hundreds, if not thousands, or hundreds of thousands. The vast majority of global income is drawn into finite points. It is not spread around.
I work as an Electrician, and only recently started doing that. It might amount to something some day, but it certainly hasn't yet. It would cost me nearly one quarter of my income just to finance and insure a newer vehicle. Maybe a little more than. Rent is about a third.
This has nothing to do with poor life choices, and everything to do with a lack of opportunity and fiscal assets to make things happen. Even provided I didn't have any bad habits at all, I would still be moving forward under low steam. I waste some money, it is true, but I waste it because I'm attempting to at least enjoy something of this life I've been given.
Mostly good food actually, rather than eating KD which wouldn't get me through my work day anyway. I consume an average of 3-4K calories a day and I weigh in at 184 pounds at 6'1" If I didn't at least eat good food once in awhile, I'd be suffering from exhaustion most days.
I'm already suffering from exhaustion, but it has more to do with limited sleep than food I think. I also smoke; have for 25 years; terrible habit, but not so easy to quit for some as others. Also, waste of money.
I don't hesitate to admit my flaws; I never pretended otherwise. Calling people out for not having the time, and claiming working was a reward is ignorant. People work because they have to; if they didn't, they'd have the time if they wanted to invest it.
Believe it or not, someone better off than me--by a bit--and married to an equally well off spouse, raising children, will still have limited time and energy, and their life will not be so rewarding as suggested. Most people don't even have the time to invest on spending with their children, and are mostly investing it in providing for them, even when they are well off.
How is that rewarding? ..particularly when the majority of what you do more readily benefits someone else, or provides them with things you don't have yourself, and likely could not afford?
Myself for example: I have literally assisted with the install of multiple security systems, prewired and finished thousands of homes with cable, telecommunications and audio systems, security wiring, and both roughed in and installed central vacuum systems in as many or more than that. I have, as well, wired and finished electrical for as many as 40 homes and done quite a few Reno's.
That's just in the last 6 years, and I don't yet have a home of my own and couldn't possibly think of affording one.
Do you think my job is unnecessary? That I made a poor life choice?
In this context, do you think it is rewarding enough in itself, and that I should make way for those who don't have to invest their time on such things, and can sit at home on a PS3? That I am undeserving somehow, of having something to do with my spare time, when I want to, without having to suffer from the iniquity of limited SP when compared to others who have been playing as long as I have, if more than?
I don't.