This is not a rant, seriously!

I've been sniping for awhile now and have noticed a few things. That it takes alot of practice to become good and takes alot of patience. However, earning the kill even after acquiring such skills is unforgiving.
If you take a solid sniper rifle like the NT-511, it outputs per shot 199.5/damage (so lets just make it 200). The very basic assault suit of an opponent totaling there shield and armor is 300, (125 shield + 175 armor). So essentially I'll have to put at least two perfectly aimed shots into the opposing player, (pending no headshot) in order to kill them.
Now if a player doesn't have the experience, it might get frustrating at times seeing that when they finally do score a hit on an opposing player, they don't go down. Furthermore, after awhile of course, players obtain better equipment and soforth to increase there chances of not going down easily. Now that's perfectly normal and fine, except for the sniper.
Generally, the vast majority of sniper rifles today, or even in the future like Dust 514, sniper rifles are aimed at taking out most players with one bullet. One shot one kill. Of course if a player has boosted himself to take more damage and a player with a sniper snipes him/her, then at least ~80% of there health should disappear.
Lets look at some stats with a pretty much "maxed out" NT-511 and compare it to just the basic assault armor.
NT-511: 200 damage.
Weaponry skill (lvl 5): +10% damage
Sniper proficiency (lvl 5): +15% damage
Complex light damage module: +10% damage
200 x .35 = 70
200 + 70 = 270
NT-511 max damage output: 270
Basic assault armor = 300
So as you can see, even with a maxed out NT-511 sniper rifle, a single shot can't take down just the basic of assault suits. Now of course I realize that
eventually I'll be able to get a Isukone sniper rifle that puts out 210 damage per shot. However even with that you'll end up with this:
210 x .35 = 73.5
210 + 73.5 = 283.5
Isukone max damage output: 283.5
Basic assault armor = 300
So even with a top-tier sniper rifle, you can't take even the basic of things down. You might say to yourself, "Yeah, so what?". Well to max out all those skills for damage, you're looking at probably around ~2,000,000+ SP to achieve and yet you're still left with 2 shotting some players? It just doesn't make any sense.
Heavies on the other hand are completely understandable as they're meant to take multiple bullets from pretty much everything with the exception of tanks and airships. So putting 3-4 shots into a heavy in understandable. But not you're average joe with a basic assault suit.
For these reasons I think that there should an increase in sniper rifle damage output. As an experienced sniper in the game, I do very well. However, having to put excess amount of bullets just to take one person down is very frustrating. So how do you think new players or even first time snipers would feel? Not very good.

Thanks to everyone who has read this, it's appreciated!

What are your thoughts and opinions on this? Please