Tiel Syysch wrote:Tony Calif wrote:The problem is CCP should see the discussion, not just the final idea. If CCP want to do it then that's cool, Don't take this the wrong way, but I haven't seen a thread about how you get 7000 damage from a HAV. I really havent been checking feedback side of thing much though, so might have missed it. The secret secret side of things isn't right for a beta. The tournament gave people who had found exploits or a broken mechanic, no reason to suggest something was wrong.
I suggest playing a game WITH the Devs. Actually have them play as the assault guys/tanker. Let them Devhack to 5-6mil SP, and skill how you advise. And explain WHY. Treat them as total noobs. Make them better players, with a better understanding of the how & why of FPS. That'd be far better.
They do get to see the discussion many times. It's more captured in the why something is a problem and why the proposed solution will fix that problem. Whenever I catch a dev on IRC and bring up an issue with them, it's generally me filling their screen with text explaining everything and not just saying "fix x y and z."
I don't post things like that on the forums because I don't want to see them in-game (I haven't built that particular tank and "abused" it myself, by the way, I just know it's possible. I also can't do it even if I wanted to, as it would take a lot more SP than I currently have since I spec'd in other things instead of pushing for that). I send those kinds of amazingly broken things into the devs in private, though. The only other person outside of CCP that I had told the specific build to was Noc, who also can't build that particular fit, but we talk about balance all the time together and run numbers on things to see what kind of lol-worthy things we can theoretically make with the current build.
Wait so your saying you knew something was horribly broken but have yet STILL to post on it and make it public?. You do get the idea of beta right?. Your supposed to be showing the community and the devs that something is broken, not hiding it and keeping it to yourself. Sure do that once the game is finished, but if something's broken the world should know about it.
Take what happened with the WP farming as an example. Sha and I figured that out and abused the crap out of it for a few days in plain sight, the public saw it complained and we admitted it was broken. We then saw a tonne of people doing it and the devs put a stop to it, (albeit slowly). In your logic we should of just kep doing it and whispered in the devs ear when nobody was about that it was broken. Do you see how wrong that is?, yet we're expected to like the idea of you speaking to the devs about balance and such?.
I'm fairly sure I know what your talking about with HAV's as things just didn't add up fighting against your tanks, I'm fairly certain the skills stacking are totally broken and combined with damage mods being broken we end up with around 220% damage or something?. Now I've not tested, run the numbers or proved this, yet you seem to have and haven't posted about it?. We even had a thread discussing it before the match if it's the case and you didn't comment.

Redline the devs and form a community council from all CEO's involved at every stage in the tourney imo. I know it's only a request your making, but the posts you've made in this thread prove you can be biased towards your own gains. It also sounds like your already discussing things 1on 1 with the devs anyway in IRC, so why need this?.
I'm starting to think this is a troll thread tbh.