Aviva Cohen
Seituoda Taskforce Command Caldari State
Posted - 2012.09.02 14:01:00 -
[1] - Quote
I just started a few days ago, and I'm liking it a lot. If they can keep improving the game (and in the few days I've been on I've seen a lot of improvements) and add in all the features they're talking about I think this could be a great game. My main FPS creds are COD, The original Red Faction (i loved that game, pvp was a blast) and Halo. so forgive me if I reference them a lot.
I do have some comments. Pros:
1) A Squad Game. When I move with a group, even though I don't have a mic, it's immensely rewarding. I find people following me, and me following people, and then us breaking up to take positions far more often then I would in say COD. This team element is something I've never experienced so easily in any other FPS. Some communication options that don't involve mic's or typing would be REALLY nice though.
2) Shotgun. Nuff said.
3) Certain maps are amazing, like the huge map with 5 control points. I think someone else mentioned it. This map is one where tanks, even if they're around, can be dealt with. I think if they're going to be as OP as they are we need more maps like this one, maps with lots of cover, different lines of approach etc..
4) Multiple ways to contribute: I like that i get points of hacking, hacking assists, kill assists etc... beyond just killing things. It would be really cool to see more opportunities like this one.
5) SP/Cash (forgetting the term). I actually think the gains for these are pretty good. SP could stand to go up a little, but I don't mind the pace. It's a cool system, reminds me of COD BO cod points somewhat, except way more in depth and cool. I like tailoring my soldier to my play style, both in load outs and in stat choices.
6) Pacing - I actually like the current pacing. It's a little slower than a lot of FPS titles on the market, but that feels appropriate to me given that I'm a dude running around in a giant metal suit in SCI-FI environs. I think of it almost like a blend of Mech suits with Person level squad combat, i Don't know if there specific lore here but I imagine i weigh a half-tonne or so in my suit. I also like the (at least I perceived this) different movement speeds of different suit types.
7) Tie in's with eve. I love this idea, and it gets me all excited to think that I might eventually play a role in galactic scale conflicts. That my FPS actions are part of a grand engaging experience at multiple scales of complexity and gaming modes. Who knows, maybe some sexy corporate sponsor will think "Wow, this guy has a barely positive K/D ratio! I should hire him full time!".
1) Hit detection is pretty iffy. I snuck up behind a guy, shot him in the back of the head with a shotgun several times and it missed every time. Either I was lagging terribly, or the hit detection was just broken as all hell. Either way this was infuriating, particularly considering some guy in a rail gun turret then killed me (for the umpteenth time). This has gotten much better in the last day or so (I saw a patch come through, so maybe they worked on this).
2) A bloated instant match game. Basically right now I'd say you have an extremely bloated instant matching fps. This wouldn't be a problem except that even when it's working properly (I.E. you aren't getting invalids (which has only happened to me twice)) it takes WAY to long to get into a match. If all we get is instant, make it flipping instant. Right now it takes maybe five+ minutes to get into a match (again assuming everything is perfect). That's way to long.
3) Very limited map/game mode choices. I've played a good number of matches now and I I've seen the same two maps over and over again. One of them is awesome (the 5 control points MCC map) the other is at best meh. (the ambush map). I'm sure they're working on this, but I watched a video called "Seeding the Universe" or some such and the guy was talking about thousands of dynamic maps across multitudes of different worlds. Assuming a this year release (taken from this thread so If this is a false timeline forgive me) at what point in the Dev Cycle are they going to do that exactly?
4) MMO? What MMO? I agree with a previous poster. I had expected far more "Open World" and Character Customization aspects. It's little things like not being able to run while I'm in my quarters, not having a central location where I can meet with other member of my corporation, not being able to customize my suit unless I buy AUR etc...
I love the corp-v-corp concept, and the idea that I'm part of the EVE universe, but uhh... where is that universe exactly? I can't see it, touch it, communicate with it, hear about it or interact with it in any way. It's a really cool concept, but other than orbital strikes (which I've never seen) I haven't experienced this interactivity. I get that a lot of this stuff is SOON(tm) but this is the feedback forum.
5) No Kill Cam. One of my favorite aspects of COD is that I can learn from watching myself die. How do I know that I'm in that ****** rail gun's sight lines, or that I got killed by a grenade, or that some sniper somewhere killed me? As of now I have to look to the upper right hand side of the screen and PRAY that I can find "Bob Newhart (Rail Gun Turret) killed Aviva Cohen" before its replaced by other people dying. It's hard to get better if I can't see what my mistake was.
6) Pausing to check K/D's, Maps etc... In COD you can have the K/D,Maps etc.. list up and still move around and shoot. In this game it forces you to Pause play to check it, and on top of that its a VERY slow interface. That's infuriating to me!
So there is my feedback for you guys. Digging the game, keep up the good work, and get to implementing the BIO, Battle Records etc... For me those are what will make this game really stand out.
Viva the Cohen! |