xprotoman23 wrote:Mavado V Noriega wrote:Victor 'LifeLine' Ramous wrote:Bumping for dev response...
on a side note that i should probably make an individual thread for, the ressing with nano injector is annoying as you have to go where the body died, not where the body is, in order to res the person. So if thier body flew a bit, gotta play a guessing game to where it was.
na son!
devs never respond to logical threads tbh
need to add in asking for something gimmicky like better living spaces and sliding!
those get noticed but core stuff? pffft all about cosmetics yo!
on a real tho its really discouraging to post feedback and ideas and gamebreaking issues and good feedback then to see dev input of comical stuff......and not even mentioning some of the basic core stuff being workd on in the patch notes
lack of communication CCP......
gotta go to the IRC chat for that

(This has honestly been the strangest beta i've ever been a part of) (been beta testing PS3 exclusives for years at that)
same here ive been in pretty much every ps3 exclusive beta since i got my ps3 and this one is being handled very weird indeed
inb4fanboyssayitsarealbeta yeaaaaa.....alot of the others i played in were real betas too still wasnt handled this poorly
1. treating a beta like a celebrity event with "beta events" inviting ppl from gaming websites to play when ur CORE **** not even functioning properly = bad advertisement = bad reviews cuz ppl WILL judge it based on what they play = word of mouth being negative
2. Priorities all messed up....still cant get core stuff right yet we get a bunch of new cosmetic **** and more vehicles and toys to attempt to play with. NEWSFLASH doesnt matter how feature packed ur game is if the shooting is terrible ppl will not give it more than 2 matches at best when they dload it
3. When inviting ppl to a beta to work on the core mechanics invite ONLY the ppl who can give good feedback on that specific area TILL ITS COMPLETE THEN INVITE OTHERS. Having a bunch of EVE only ppl who rarely pick up a console controller or rarely spend time on a fps giving feedback on fps mechanics is laughable....thats like console fps player goin to beta test EVE and giving feedback on it like he knows wtf hes talkin about
Again no offense to the EVE only ppl but its the truth.
DUST is being marketed as a console game , everytime i hear someone say "well in EVE it works like this....." i get sick because some ppl cant grasp that not everything that works in EVE can be translated into a FPS its 2 different games and should be treated as such