Omnipotent lilmamaj wrote:Mafty Navilles Erin wrote:Omnipotent lilmamaj wrote:I don't know why EvE players play this game in the first place. Just stick to your game. Why do you care about the mechanics in this game when you'll just end up playing EvE once CCP makes this game take fps skill again?
Because of the eventual EVE-Dust integration. That's why many EVE players are here. That's why I'm here. I wouldn't have bothered a console FPS if it weren't for the integration. The very mechanics of this game WILL affect the very game that I hold dear. So yes, I give a damn about what happens in Dust. And I'm pretty sure many other Eve players are on the same boat.
You as a Dust only player should care about EVE as well, since it's going to affect your world too. While this game requires FPS skill (once CCP irons it out), Dust will require skills beyond that.
And why should I just stick to EVE only? There's many other great games out there.
Let the players with more fps experience handle how the game mechanics should go though bro.
FPS experience? That's not what you're talking about though is it?
You mean "Console FPS of the specific style I like"
Because if you think you've been playing FPS longer than me then you are wrong. Been here since the start pal. Been playing FPS before consoles existed. I remember Wolfenstein the original, I played Spear of Destiny/Hexen/Heretic/Doom until my eyes bled. Sure you might well be better AT some of them than me amd probably all of them that use the DS3 in particular. But FPS experience in general? If that's all that counts then sit down and strap on your arse-kissing boots sonny, cause on that score there's a LOT of us "EVEtards" who've been gaming and FPS'ing FAR longer than you.
And even then, I'd be happy to defer to you on the FPS mechanics - but you aren't even talking about them anymore are you?
No, you're on here bitching about the MMO elements that make the higher SP players more powerful than the newbs. You're whining about there being too many vehicles in a freaking vehicle test-build, you're whining that KBM is coming because it might affect your E-peen becaue half the "scrubs" you are banking on to pad your KDR are actually pretty damn good at FPS and are crippled by their lack of familiarity with the cruddy DS3. You're the guys bitching that the RE's can be thrown and detonated and that killed the HMG by QQing tooo hard over it. (And by "you" I mean your side of this argument, Consolers and MAGtards)
Sure, come kill me in DUST, you won't be alone in that - and I don't even give a rats shite about dying either. But I sure as hell want the game I'm playiong to be a huge amount more than just another dead-in-6-months-twitch-shooter-MAG/COD/BF3-clone like you "Console" players seem to be demanding. Adter all, you're all going to be gone the moment the next COD clone drops anyway - it'll have more of the Reflex>Skill type twitch stuff you're aftyer anyway.
And I'm willing to bet I've owned a Playstation/Nintendo/Sega/NeoGeo bloody well longer than you have too by the way. Does that mean I'm more of a "console" player than you too? Does it make you want to suck up to my awesome knowledge and help me circle-jerk my E-peen? No? Well I don't give a rats about how "Experienced" you think you are either.