A couple of clarifications
It's a project, not a product. There are no guarantees that this is becomes a ccp game. Fanfest 2016 is a stepping stone for us like Valkyrie and Gunjack and prior Fanfests. That's a bit intimidating. Good that the response is quite positive in the Mission Debrief room where we have personally talked to the hundreds of players who tried it.
It's obviously 16v16, 6v6 for demo purposes
Obviously there is risk/reward, progression and customization, but no offense, not a carbon copy of the way it was in dust 514.
3 Classes (HEavy Support, Main Frontline, Light Recon) each of which branches into Vanguard/Sentinel, ASsault/Support, Sharpshooter/Infiltrator. Each of these 6 roles will branch into themed Faction Role Specializations (Amarr Sentinel = Templar) for a total of 32.
We are using feedback from 3 years of dust, fix the performance and the shooting mechanics. It's interesting to see the sentiment change over night. You should probably know by now that we have plenty of ambition, just want to do the right things in the right order.
An example of gameplay that we took the opportunity to fix on the way, basically just describing what we have at Fanfest, not what may come in the future.
There is now a Scan range circle on your minimap, its width is your scan range, and it's precision is a fall off curve, so ewar is no longer binary.
We also have dynamic scan profiles, crouching lowers, sprinting and firing raises
We also fixed all the FOV/tags/cloak overlaps, f.e.x there is no tag on your head, regardless of scanned status when cloaked
Double jump is enabled by a Gear called Jump Jets
In this build we have active infantry modules, but we will refer to them all as equipment. Plan is for way more play/counterplay with active reps/hardening/dmg mods so fights are less predictable. These mods will have cooldowns and icons on the HUD, familiar to vehicle users from dust
Grenades are equipment, you can toggle to them on the equipment to cook them or quick throw using G
Some VFX that may be lost in the frantic hands of players not familiar with dust
You can see the 5 states of shield on your glove, shield idle, shield shatter, shield starts to recharge, shield pulse and shield 100% filled, pretty nifty (also in third person)
Sniper has double zoom, and a delayed accuracy mode (no quick scoping)
Gatling Gun only has invert spread when zooming, making the two view modes completely different, allowing for pin point accuracy at mid to long range, full mayhem with hipfire at short to mid. Overheat bar circles the lower right quadrant of the reticule.
There is a 3d hit indication arrow replacing the red edge effect, so the shield/armor post process now works as a 2d indicator, for additional situational awareness.
Smart deploy now uses all Uplinks on the map /player, CRU, etc and tries to put you close to battle based on friends and enemies with the back as a last resort, it works quite well to put you near the action. You can also pick your location on the TacMAP
You see the role icon of the loadout you are aiming at (f.ex. if you are not sure if its a vanguard or a sentinel at long range)
There is probably some more stuff that I am forgetting. Gotta head back to Harpa.