Niina Eskola
Eskola Ergonomics
Posted - 2015.08.18 09:06:00 -
[1] - Quote
Robert Conway wrote: GǣUhmmGǪ You know what, strait Whiskey sounds just fine,Gǥ finished Josh with wide, semi-fearful eyes.
GǣYeah, andGǪ uhmGǪ I could use something a little stronger than an Amarr Victor IGǪ uhmGǪ I suppose,Gǥ added Adenine.
GǣBut I insist, please let me buyGǪGǥ started Josh.
GǣIGǪ uhmGǪ I meanGǪ thank you for your generosityGǪGǥ said Josh, correcting himself.
Any fear or discomfort that Conway may have displayed was utterly lost on Niina, who had already grown impatient at the speed of the waiter drone and was attempting to work her way behind the bar counter. She crinkled her nose up at the selection of spirits availible, contemplating exactly what she could do with such a selection.
Partner. Partner. Partner.
The word rang in her head like a gunshot, rising and fading with a painful throbbing as she tried to shake it from her thoughts. Partner. Was that all she was to him? No, no she knew that couldn't be. For all the time the two had spent apart and for all the times he had hurt her, she knew how much he loved her. It was something else, something that she couldn't understand that seemed to eat at Galm from the inside and prevent him from opening up to her. It might seem childish, but at the end of the day Galm was only a child. At twenty six years of age Niina was already nearly four years older than Fae, though their matured clones never showed any hint of how young they truly were.
He'd change. Sooner or later he would have to grow up and accept that the two of them were wed adults. Efficient, productive, monogamous adults willing to work as equals to make a better life for the other. But days like today made such a time seem tragically far away, and Niina could only cope with his angst for so long before it began to draw out the young hellion in her as well.
Partner. Let's see how ambivalent you are of our marriage once I'm servicing every immortal in this damned place.
In the calm, rational part of her brain she knew that this little tantrum was ridiculous and would probably ruin any chance she had of making this public appearance a productive one for Eskola Ergonomics. But honestly? She had never intended it to be. Ever since Galm's trip to Tenal he had been tragically distant in his work, and she had only every wished for a chance to grab his attention again.
Besides, she liked it when he got protective.
"Eh, hey Junko-haani?" she muttered over her shoulder loud enough for the immortal to hear, "Would it be okay if I used your bar for the evening?"
Strength. Beauty. Quality. Eskola Ergonomics.
Niina Eskola
Eskola Ergonomics
Posted - 2015.08.29 22:19:00 -
[2] - Quote
Robert Conway wrote:
"Oh? It sure doesn't look like it. What kind of man let's his woman make drinks for other men?" snorted the Intaki as he scowled at Josh and Galm.
Josh could only put his face in his palm in amazement at the young man's dumb-assedry. He made a deep sigh as he awaited what he could only imagine would be the wrath of Galm.
Galm didn't even flinch at the comment. He didn't have to. The man had fought on a hundred battlefields and faced thousands of foes, yet somehow walked through the fire proud and unafraid. He'd seen the brutality of the blood raiders, and spread terror with the Dragonaurs. But honestly? He'd never quite met anyone as scrappy as Niina. She was a young, tender thing when the two were alone together. But she had a tolerance for Galm, a shared history that let her know that she could be honest and genuine with him.
Anyone other than Fae had no such luxury. Sneering at the Intaki, she began to hand him the warm beverage before tossing the boiling contents into his lap before slamming the empty cup down on the bar.
"How about the sort of man that actually cares about the interest of his wife and isn't a jealous and manipulative ****!"
She shot a sideways glance at Galm, hoping to see a grin of approval. That's all she really wanted, his attention. She could swear she saw him chuckle to himself, but... Regardless, the guy had it coming. The fact that she was trying to pull Galm out of his shell by emulating the halfbreed's behavior had nothing to do with her course of action. It was more like a social que that she could use to slowly train and mold him into the sort of man she knew he could be.
Like housebreaking a slaverhound.
"Now," she huffed with a sigh, "Can I get anyone else something?"
Strength. Beauty. Quality. Eskola Ergonomics.