Sicerly Yaw
Corrosive Synergy No Context
Posted - 2015.07.06 04:24:00 -
[1] - Quote
Sgt Kirk wrote:Raven-747 wrote:hahaha yeah i have heard that before. Btw melee does 1.7k damage and a lai dai grenade (not the packed does) 7.1k damage. Why not fix these? Lol this argument is so stupid. A FORGE GUN DOES 2K DAMAGE, WHY NOT FIX THOSE. AN NULL CANNON DOES DAMAGE TO MCC, WHY NIT FIX THOSE
seriously I am so tired of people trying to nerf anything they dislike, the bolt pistol is far from OP and just to show you what happens when you take damage away from a weapon and give it less ammo just take a look at the poor breach Flaylock the gun is horrible it cant one shot anything other then some scouts and even then aiming it is terrible due to the slow fire rate and the fact that is has slow projectile speed, this thing has a 20% profile against armor so yeah you can deal a good amount of damge IF the target is standing still and you can manage to get a head shot as anything will kill you way faster or move to fast for you to be able to hit without either extreme skill or luck
the BP takes .4 seconds just to charge up before you fire EVERY SHOT meaning anyone can simply out dps you dodge the shots or take one to the face and most likely still survive if you happen to have over 300 armor and about 100 shields which most assaults if not all have enough health to take that much damage at least, if you happen to get hit by a BP then you probably deserved it because it is not an easy weapon to use although some may think it is, so I see players with good aim say wow this gun is awesome then the people that stand still and take the shots complain that its OP
it got a BUFF for a reason the BP as it used to be could hardly kill anything before the user got dropped the hip fire spread is so high that unless you stand within 15m they have almost no chance to hit you mind you getting this close is like going up to a heavy with an HMG and at range they have to ADS meaning they are slower and easier to hit
I am against nerfing just about anything other then the obviously overpowered weapons and the BP is not one of them if it was you'd see everyone and their mother using it, its a high risk high rewards weapon if you don't believe me use it, that many damage mods take away from your ability to tank if you are a shield user and for armor users damage mods work far better using other weapons as you can achieve much higher DPS values then those of the BP, not to mention that there are sidearms that do far more damge if you use them right, did you know that every head shot of an ScP does 400% damge? did you know that the Ion Pistol can be charged to achieve the same damge as that of the BP perhaps even higher? not only that but the fire rate and base damage can out DPS the BP any day, did you know they Flaylock has a better profile against armor then that of the BP?
and the ScR this rifle although not a sidearm can achieve way higher damage output before a BP even gets a chance to fire not to mention it has way better range higher damage per clip by far and a profile to shields that destroys them, even against armor it still shreds, I have yet to see a good argument against the BP other then the "hit detection being too good" we see player complain that damage does not register all the time but not with the BP and this isnt even a problem with the BP its a problem with AA and that's only if you get close enough for a BP user to take body shots at you with hip fire, again if you got that close you deserved what you got, its like getting close to a shotgun and expecting the pellets to miss
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Sicerly Yaw
Corrosive Synergy No Context
Posted - 2015.07.06 04:33:00 -
[2] - Quote
Echo 1991 wrote: A sidearm doing 1000+ damage in 2 shots with magic aim assist is balanced to you?? Stop acting like this is some caldari witch hunt and accept the fact it isn't balanced.
If an ion pistol was that efficient you'd be screaming for a nerf no doubt.
One other thing, the only weapon type that completely wrecks shields is the laser based ones, the AR and ARR do similar damage to the tank they are strong against and the ARR gets 35m more optimal range.
here's the problem with your argument, the ScR can do well over 1k damge in less then a second with a charged shot and a few extra shots easily
the ion pistol can achieve the same damage and even higher against shields why dont people complain? simple because of the range and the damage profile that favors armor meta
what other sidearm can achieve 1k damage with head shots? ScP the breach is 150*4+ thats 600 damage meaning two shots 1.2k easy without any need of proficiency or anything
the AA is its own problem and you cant blame the BP for said AA not to mention that you still have to be within the weapons cross hairs and if they are ADS then AA means nothing
also about the ARR and AR the AR does far more damage even after one second there's a clear difference in DPS not to mention it has far less spread and manageable kick it also has no charge up time, all you are saying is complete BS
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