Greiv Rabbah wrote:We dont talk about light heavies because you said it. We talk about it because it used to be a real thing and we recall it.
I'm not saying you guys do. I am well aware that everyone that spends any time on Dust has seen L.Weapon Heavies and I am willing to bet ISK that the majority of people are annoyed by it. I am saying 'parroting me' because while I maybe was not the first to complain about heavies using light weapons -- I was one of the first (more so than the other guys who have been in this argument at the very least) to bring it up as a counterpoint in relation to the affects of making HMGs useless in CQC. (Not sure who was the absolute first. I said it early and I said it loud, and have been quoted by Breakin [he quotes me very often actually] as well as a few others.
Regardless, I don't care who said it first. I don't care if you are parroting me or if I am parroting you. I only care about the fact that it is true. Let's just be clear on this.
Also while we are on the subject about misunderstandings:
Greiv Rabbah wrote:You directly addressed what threw me off before about breakin's statement(when I was half asleep) but here you are saying don't say it should be his way bc it should be your way.
I don't think it should necessarily be my way either.I am saying that it is the current way because CCP designed it that way. I am saying that because heavies can use light weapons and have more HP than mediums they will ALWAYS be in CQC. I am saying that as long as reptools are as good as they are they will always be largely represented by Gal/Amarr. I am saying that I will go with how CCP designs it. If they change HMGS to be like laser rifles...fine. If they keep heavies CQC and put 100% of the objectives outside in the middle of a grassy field...fine. If the Sentinel cannot use the HMG like a laser as I suspect I will discuss and offer my best thoughts on how to help fix that.
I play Dust 514. Unlike many others -- I always keep in mind that I do not own, design, or should be able to alter the game to any vision that I might have.
I simply follow what I can guess CCP is trying to do and offer my best advice because I like the game. My opinion on how Dust 'should work' is irrelevant and always has been. Do a search for my name -- you will notice in my posts that I focus on practicality of what they are doing.
Not how I think it should work.
Example: If heavies were mobile and able to be good area denial, I would have little problem with Breakin's proposal on the HMG being like a laser. Still some problem as my Assault RUNS laser and that would infringe on my already insanely tiny role. And since I already run that role (better than a sent could) I know for a fact how limited and rare it is as far as affecting the main tide of battle. You guys haven't claimed to run that role so you don't have any experience with it as far as I know.
----------------------------------------------- 2 post Rant Over ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So I would like a direct answer. All the arguing, debate, rationalization aside... I have 4 simple questions I would like to build a constructive discussion on. Actually it was 3 questions and 2 assertions but I had a brain fart and my thoughts got jumbled. This is what survived the mental chaos.
1. Do you think a change in map design would change how often widespread certain game situations (for example 1000s of heavy HMGs with logis stacking up on objectives) occur? Yes/No. If yes, how much?
2. Do you think that weakening the current HMG in CQC will actually kick heavies out of CQC? Yes/No. If yes, what will they do instead?
3. Do you think CCP
doesn't want heavies in CQC? Yes/No/Other. What is your reasoning for believing this?
4. Do you think that future heavy weapons should also not perform in CQC? Yes/No If either, Why?
Lets answer those in as few sentences as possible
in another thread. Then go from there because the argument took up way too much of this thread which is not just about heavies and we need to simplify it and move it to an appropriate thread.
I wanted to hear more discussion on uplinks and backpeddle speed....
Fair enough

. Let me rephrase. The Forums flaming and Anti-Scout posts will be making a comeback.