Quote:Go watch the movie "FURY", then come back.
Why would we give tankers less space in the future?
Ah, the movie Fury. About Sherman Tanks, which I believe have been proven to be horribly designed when it comes to escape hatches. I believe most guys never made it out of a Sherman when the Tank went up in flames (which was around 55% of the time upon taking a hit, later reduced by 15% by using "wet stowage".). Perhaps you should draw arguments from reality, not Hollywood, my friend.
"Why should we give them less space in the future?"
-More space, means bigger Tank, means more weight and more surface area. More weight means less speed, and more surface area means bigger target. Yes, I can see how Tankers would be concerned about having some degree of comfort over having a reliable, safe vehicle that'll get them in and out of combat safely.

Anyway, while I don't count myself as a 'great' Pilot, I do enjoy flying Dropships, and occasionally Tanks as well. I also run dedicated AV fits, so I see both ends of the spectrum.
Personally, I believe Pilot suits, if handled well, would serve an excellent purpose in the game. Right now, there's too many Heavy suits running around, using HAV's and LAV's as a taxi to offset their low movement speed. And that's the problem we face. I see 2 possible solutions:
1) Pilot suits to command HAV's and Dropships (Perhaps only allow Light and Medium to drive LAV to end the 'Murder Taxi Spree')
2) Dissallow Heavy suits from driving any vehicle.
Then, slightly off-topic, but it's been mentioned before.
I believe a Pilot/Tanker should go down with his vehicle. It's expensive, we get it, but most of the best Tankers (and DS pilots!) I've seen can safely pull back from even Heavy AV situations. At that point they should make a decision.
"Can I support my team with my Tank in this situation, or should I reclaim it and help as Infantry?"And either he takes the risk, and maybe loses his Tank, in which case the AV guys also deserve a kill, because believe it or not, most AV fits die a couple of times before the Tank is finally destroyed.
Or he doesn't, and helps his team with his favorite Infantry fit. And usually, you'd drive back to a safe location to reclaim, and more often than not there'll be a Supply Depot close by.
And for all this people crying about the possibility of needing a Pilot suit to drive a HAV, just be happy you don't need 2 of your buddies to load and fire your Main Gun.