Meee One wrote:Imp Smash wrote:Funny you should mention that...because about an hour ago
this was said.
Honestly if reptools were nerfed as far as either rep speed or time allowed for usage continually (I would go with the former to help protect guardian points and mass repairs after fights are over) AND maps were designed with a bit more battle doctrine in mind you would solve the heavy problem.
Pro rep tools on 3/4ths of logistics can't outrep a basic light weapon,and you want them nerfed more?

Yeah, I guess to be honest I think they should be weaker but I am unable to call nerf. There are several reasons and caveats to this:
1. On paper it sounds like the reptool isn't too crazy because, as you just said, a basic light weapon can out damage it. But let's be honest -- that is assuming ALL shots hit which is silly. It also ignores inherent regeneration the suit may have. Yes heavies take more damage from incoming fire than any other suit -- even so you can't expect a heavy to take EVERY shot (even though it is possible.) Your reptool buys him time to fire. And a heavy HMG does a lot of damage -- more so than any light weapon. Due to dispersion it won't be 800/900 DPS like so many people like to say, but it will still be higher than any light weapon. So the heavy has a bit more time to DPS and time to do that DPS is a larger gap for a heavy over any other suit because of the damage output.
Basically the proof is in the pudding. A heavy by him/herself is dangerous at close range but reasonably killable even toe to toe with an assault. But a heavy with a logi on the back will win over 90% of the time.
2. The reptool is free usage. Other games with repair mechanics do not give infinite reptool usage. Nor the sheer range. It's not just about Reps per second (RPS?) but also about the availability.
But as I said there are caveats.
If they made reptools rep a little slower their triage WPs should be boosted a little to compensate the Logi for the extra time spent repping a heavy. Basically the logi would get a tad more WP for it but be able to do it to less people in a given time frame thereby balancing out WP gain.
And I also don't think they should limit reptool usage. If you have 1 logi, 2 or 3 heavies, 5 or 6 assaults, and a scout or 2 that survive a fight defending a point that logi is going to have to rep ALL of them. Especially at lower rep rate that will cost time and time IS a resource.
Furthermore I think we will see Armor being able to absorb more damage in the future. This is just my guess as to the meta game and its next evolution mind you, but shield tanking and armor tanking are about to go through major changes that will either A. Make armor tanking WAY better than shield so more people go armor tank and that reptool will have more buffer HP to rep or B. Shield tanking will catch up to armor tanking and we will see more shield fits. Which will mean we see more guns that are better against shield than armor. Which will mean the armor you are repping will be taking more damage from armor weak/shield strong guns than currently.
At the same time, I am uncomfortable calling for a nerf of anything really. I may be horrendously wrong. What I deem an issue with reptools may NOT be an issue with reptools but in fact with something else. More to the point, I really don't know what to suggest to weaken the reptool slightly while still being fair. It may be the case that reptools are fine on other suits and only unbalanced on the heavy. I honestly don't know.
There is, however, no doubt in my mind that reptools are magnifying the heavy's advantages more than they magnify other suit's advantages.
EDIT: Actually scratch that. I just had a thought. What if Reptools repaired a percent of a suit's HP as opposed to a specific number? And that this number was specifc for each suit? Heavies get say (random number incomming) 6% of their HP back per second while assaults get 10% back per second? The commando gets back 8% The number could be whatever makes reptools more or less the same amount of rep for the various assaults while making them a tad less effective on heavies.
(random numbers chosen of course. the above edit is just brainstorming. feel free to shoot it down in a fiery ball.)