Hi Attim, only had a few hours so far. but here goes.
the Charge:
nice damage, feels good to have better stopping power, body shots do a tad more damage but not much, Headshots are the real beauty of this weapon now, you can and will drop heavies in ohk headshots.. finally.
the 400 meters hurts it severely it's a bit of a shock exactly how many of the best positions sit at 450m.
loving the new reticle.
feels precise, bullets go where they are supposed to now, which also means that they miss easier as there are fewer "lucky" shots. no more seeing the ring turn red and still missing.

The tactical:
not really where it needs to be.
the weapon itself is quite good.
it fires quickly, has better clip and max ammo now.
unfortunately it still has it's sway and recoil.
this means that in order to be effective with it you still need the time to go for those headshots or at least settle the scope before shooting, particularly when standing, couple this with being unable to strafe etc.. you still need time to be able to use it.
time=relatively open maps.
this is the let down.
on any map where the tactical rifle is a half decent choice there will still be other snipers, and those other sniper will have at least 50 more meters on your rifle, on average though it will be 100m more.
i.e you have to become a static target that is within range of other snipers without the ability to shoot back at them.

The standard variants:
These are the by far the best option.
they have a good headshot bonus, good scope, good clips, good max ammo count, good rate of fire and they out range the charge and the tacs
the out ranging other sniper rifles cannot be overstated.
the rate of fire and better scope means that the difference between these and the tacs doesn't really seem worth the range trade off for slightly faster damage.
e.g standard vs charge
it genuinely does not matter that you can ohk the sniper shooting at you when they are 50m outside of your range, and because they probably know from the kill feed that your using a charge they no longer need to hide from you so they can literally just wait until you move.
the advanced rifles are now usable weapons for pub matches now which is nice and allows me to start losing some of those c-27s but the issue is trying to use a non proto commando when you lose so much pg/cpu and slots between tiers, still though they are alot cheaper none the less.
there are still alot of players crying about snipers following delta.

even have some complaining that they need to be worse positions to counter red liners due to range..

as if nobody mentioned that when range nerfs were being argued for

haven't actually had any hate mail yet, but only played one day and died in nearly every round.
Have had alot of players going out of their way to kill me much earlier than usual.
(which is why it will be a god idea to start using cheaper fit outs)
to sum up
all in all i like the delta changes, the charge rifle might shine in pc matches where there are less likely to be other snipers but i think it should have the same range as other snipers.
the 450 range on the standard variants is ok.
the tactical needs improvements to its sway and possibly recoil to become the short range sniper it is intended to be.