Some assorted information:
Minmitar Scouts suits have a bonus to Nova Knife damage. They are also the fastest suit.
Racial bonuses are based on the level you have skilled into the suit of a particular race, not what race your character is.
The only effect your CharacterGÇÖs race has is which Star System (Local Chat) becomes your home
(there are 12 per race), and what racial dropsuit your starter suits will be based on.
Alt is indeed an abbreviation for Alternative Character.
Learning Coalition is a chat channel where you can ask questions in game. At the bottom of your channel list is a + sign, which will bring up a dialog box where you can type in the name of a channel you want to join.
I have
guides for everythingGǪ except being a Scout.

Sorry, always meant to write one but I never got around to doing the research.
Onslaught Inc is a cool Corp. I look for squads in their public chat often
(I usually play as Crash Gaden). You made a decent choice there. I run a training Corp, but you can still access most of the services I provide through the Learning Coalition chat channel while remaining a member of Onslaught.
Get a second Email address and create a second PSN account, then create a second DUST account so that you will have a second character collecting passive Skill Points. Take the time to try to come up with a cool and unique name. If it takes you a few days or a week to find one that is not taken that is fine, it is not your main account, although if you get a good name I bet it will become your main account.

If you play a lot and you reach the weekly active skill point cap, you can switch to your second character. If you want to try a different play style, while keeping your main focused on one role, use your second character.
The Cloaking Device is camouflage, not invisibility. Think Predator. It only makes you invisible in certain lighting conditions, or if the other guy has a low res TV. That being said, if I am hunting you down and I lose track of you for a second it is harder to find you again, so it does help in escaping if you combine it with other diversion techniques. Also, with the Cloak you are almost invisible when you are standing still. All that is visible when you are still is a slight wave in the air like hot air over a sun backed highway. However, I have killed Scouts when they are Cloaked and standing stillGǪ I have an eye for detail.
While most people will tell you to train your core skills first, and they are right most of the time, in your case you are doing it correctly. For your play style of choice you need the Cloak bonus. You need the Minmatar Scout suit, a good Nova Knife, and a Cloak. You can actually do it without the Cloak, but the cloak makes it easier. While getting more Armor/Shields from core skills will help, you are mainly trying not to get shot at in the first place. For Electronics and Engineering (CPU/PG), train as needed to fit what you want to fit.